María Pardo-Muras
On the bioherbicide potential of Ulex europaeus and Cytisus scoparius: Profiles of volatile organic compounds and their phytotoxic effects
M Pardo-Muras, CG Puig, A López-Nogueira, C Cavaleiro, N Pedrol
PLoS One 13 (10), e0205997, 2018
Optimal and synchronized germination of Robinia pseudoacacia, Acacia dealbata and other woody Fabaceae using a handheld rotary tool: concomitant reduction …
N Pedrol, CG Puig, A López-Nogueira, M Pardo-Muras, L González, ...
Journal of Forestry Research 29, 283-290, 2018
Water-soluble phenolic acids and flavonoids involved in the bioherbicidal potential of Ulex europaeus and Cytisus scoparius
M Pardo-Muras, CG Puig, XC Souto, N Pedrol
South African Journal of Botany 133, 201-211, 2020
Cytisus scoparius and Ulex europaeus Produce Volatile Organic Compounds with Powerful Synergistic Herbicidal Effects
M Pardo-Muras, C G. Puig, N Pedrol
Molecules 24 (24), 4539, 2019
Complex synergistic interactions among volatile and phenolic compounds underlie the effectiveness of allelopathic residues added to the soil for weed control
M Pardo-Muras, CG Puig, N Pedrol
Plants 11 (9), 1114, 2022
Predictive phytotoxic value of water-soluble allelochemicals in plant extracts for choosing a cover crop or mulch for specific weed control
CG Puig, F Valencia-Gredilla, M Pardo-Muras, XC Souto, ...
PAGEpress, 2021
The Phytotoxic Potential of the Flowering Foliage of Gorse (Ulex europaeus) and Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius), as Pre-Emergent Weed Control in Maize in a …
M Pardo-Muras, CG Puig, P Souza-Alonso, N Pedrol
Plants 9 (2), 203, 2020
Biomass from allelopathic agroforestry and invasive plant species as soil amendments for weed control—a review
A Valiño, M Pardo-Muras, CG Puig, JE López-Periago, N Pedrol
Agronomy 13 (12), 2880, 2023
Mentha suaveolens as Allelopathic Biomass for Weed Control: Phenolics, Organic Acids, and Volatile Organic Compounds Profiles
CG Puig, L Álvarez-Iglesias, M Pardo-Muras, PB Andrade, N Pedrol
Agronomy 13 (11), 2793, 2023
Phytotoxic potential of species from the Atlantic shrubland for weed control
M Pardo Muras
Bioloxía vexetal e ciencias do solo, 2019
Degradación de formulados de biomasa alelopática aplicados al suelo para el control de malezas
JE López-Periago, CG Puig, M Pardo-Muras, A Valiño, N Pedrol
Revista de Ciências Agrárias 47 (1), 71-74, 2024
Red de investigación PalmerNET. La unión hace la fuerza
J Torra, A Cirujeda, G Pardo, AI Marí, A Zabalza, M Gil-Monreal, ...
Revista de Ciências Agrárias 47 (1), 243-246, 2024
Biomasa de especies alelopáticas agroforestales e invasoras como enmiendas del suelo para el control de malas hierbas. Una revisión
A Valiño, CG Puig, M Pardo-Muras, E López-Periago, N Pedrol
Sociedade de Ciências Agrárias de Portugal, 2024
" Weeding out" a bean-turnip intercrop without synthetic herbicides
JI Rodríguez, CG Puig, AC Abalo, MP Muras, NP Bonjoch
European Allelopathy Society, Sixth Young Researchers Workshop: Vigo, Spain …, 2020
"Humble and fierce, inside the same piece": use of applemint (Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.) for weed control.
J Iglesias-Rodríguez, CG Puig, M Pardo-Muras, N Pedrol
Allelopathic biomass: taking advantage of agroforestry resources as natural herbicides.
M Pardo-Muras, CG Puig, J Iglesias-Rodríguez, N Pedrol
" Humildad y fiereza en la misma pieza": uso del mastranzo (" Mentha suaveolens" Ehrh.) para control de malezas
JI Rodríguez, CG Puig, MP Muras, NP Bonjoch
XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología: libro de actas, Vigo …, 2019
Weed managment with" Mentha suaveolens": arriving on time
JI Rodríguez, CG Puig, MP Muras, F Araniti, NP Bonjoch
European Allelopathy Society Fifth Young Researchers Workshop: Vigo-Spain …, 2019
Achieving optimal and synchronized germination of woody Fabaceae
AL Nogueira, CG Puig, MP Muras, NP Bonjoch
European Allelopathy Society Fifth Young Researchers Workshop: Vigo-Spain …, 2019
Biomasa alelopática: aprovechando recursos agroforestales como herbicidas naturales
MP Muras, CG Puig, JI Rodríguez, NP Bonjoch
XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología: libro de actas, Vigo …, 2019
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