Margot Böse
Margot Böse
Geographie. Freie Universität Berlin
Quaternary glaciations of northern Europe
M Böse, C Lüthgens, JR Lee, J Rose
Quaternary Science Reviews 44, 1-25, 2012
Age of the Pomeranian ice‐marginal position in northeastern Germany determined by Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of glaciofluvial sediments
C Luethgens, M Boese, F Preusser
Boreas 40 (4), 598-615, 2011
Late Quaternary ice sheet extents in northeastern Germany inferred from surface exposure dating
V Rinterknecht, R Braucher, M Böse, D Bourlès, JL Mercier
Quaternary Science Reviews 44, 89-95, 2012
Problems of dead ice and ground ice in the central part of the North European Plain
M Böse
Quaternary International 28, 123-125, 1995
From morphostratigraphy to geochronology–on the dating of ice marginal positions
C Lüthgens, M Böse
Quaternary Science Reviews 44, 26-36, 2012
Late Pleistocene and early Holocene glaciations in Taiwanese mountains
R Hebenstreit, M Böse, A Murray
Quaternary international 147 (1), 76-88, 2006
Methodisch-stratigraphische Studien und paläomorphologische Untersuchungen zum Pleistozän südlich der Ostsee
M Böse
Selbstverl. des Inst. für Phys. Geographie der Freien Univ. Berlin, Berlin, 1989
On the age of the young morainic morphology in the area ascribed to the maximum extent of the Weichselian glaciation in north-eastern Germany
C Lüthgens, M Böse, M Krbetschek
Quaternary International 222 (1-2), 72-79, 2010
Optically stimulated luminescence dating of fluvioglacial (sandur) sediments from north-eastern Germany
C Lüthgens, M Krbetschek, M Böse, MC Fuchs
Quaternary Geochronology 5 (2-3), 237-243, 2010
Chronology of Weichselian main ice marginal positions in north-eastern Germany
C Lüthgens, M Böse
E&G Quaternary Science Journal 60 (2/3), 17, 2011
The timing of the Weichselian Pomeranian ice marginal position south of the Baltic Sea: A critical review of morphological and geochronological results
J Hardt, M Böse
Quaternary International 478, 51-58, 2018
Timing of the last interglacial in Northern Europe derived from Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of a terrestrial Saalian–Eemian–Weichselian sedimentary sequence …
C Lüthgens, M Böse, T Lauer, M Krbetschek, J Strahl, D Wenske
Quaternary International 241 (1-2), 79-96, 2011
Lithostratigraphical studies in the outcrop at Ujscie, Torún-Eberswalde Pradolina, western Poland
M Böse, M Górska
E&G Quaternary Science Journal 45 (1), 1-14, 1995
Die geomorphologische Entwicklung im westlichen Berlin nach neueren stratigraphischen Untersuchungen
M Böse
Selbstverl. des Inst. für Physische Geographie der FU, Berlin, 1979
Geochronological (OSL) and geomorphological investigations at the presumed Frankfurt ice marginal position in northeast Germany
J Hardt, C Luethgens, R Hebenstreit, M Boese
Quaternary Science Reviews 154, 85-99, 2016
Assessment of sediment delivery from successive erosion on stream-coupled hillslopes via a time series of topographic surveys in the central high mountain range of Taiwan
D Wenske, CH Jen, M Böse, JC Lin
Quaternary International 263, 14-25, 2012
Reconstruction of the Holocene coastal development at Fulong Beach in north-eastern Taiwan using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating
N Dörschner, T Reimann, D Wenske, C Lüthgens, S Tsukamoto, ...
Quaternary International 263, 3-13, 2012
Proposing a new conceptual model for the reconstruction of ice dynamics in the SW sector of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) based on the reinterpretation of published data and …
C Lüthgens, J Hardt, M Böse
E&G Quaternary Science Journal 69 (2), 201-223, 2020
Lateglacial and early Holocene surface exposure ages of glacial boulders in the Taiwanese high mountain range
R Hebenstreit, S Ivy-Ochs, PW Kubik, C Schluechter, M Boese
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (3-4), 298-311, 2011
Geomorphological evidence for a Late Pleistocene glaciation in the high mountains of Taiwan dated with age estimates by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)
R Hebenstreit, M Böse
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementband 130, 31-49, 2003
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