Travis Sjostrom
Travis Sjostrom
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Accurate homogeneous electron gas exchange-correlation free energy for local spin-density calculations
VV Karasiev, T Sjostrom, J Dufty, SB Trickey
Physical review letters 112 (7), 076403, 2014
Ab Initio Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation of the Warm Dense Electron Gas in the Thermodynamic Limit
T Dornheim, S Groth, T Sjostrom, FD Malone, WMC Foulkes, M Bonitz
Physical Review Letters 117 (15), 156403, 2016
Ab initio Exchange-Correlation Free Energy of the Uniform Electron Gas at Warm Dense Matter Conditions
S Groth, T Dornheim, T Sjostrom, FD Malone, WMC Foulkes, M Bonitz
Physical review letters 119 (13), 135001, 2017
Observation of a cross-section enhancement near mass threshold in
M Ablikim, MN Achasov, S Ahmed, XC Ai, O Albayrak, M Albrecht, ...
Physical Review D 97 (3), 032013, 2018
Multiphase aluminum equations of state via density functional theory
T Sjostrom, S Crockett, S Rudin
Physical Review B 94 (14), 144101, 2016
Generalized-gradient-approximation noninteracting free-energy functionals for orbital-free density functional calculations
VV Karasiev, T Sjostrom, SB Trickey
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (11), 115101, 2012
Uniform electron gas at finite temperatures
T Sjostrom, J Dufty
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (11), 115123, 2013
Ab initio quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the warm dense electron gas
T Dornheim, S Groth, FD Malone, T Schoof, T Sjostrom, WMC Foulkes, ...
Physics of Plasmas 24 (5), 2017
Finite-temperature orbital-free DFT molecular dynamics: Coupling Profess and Quantum Espresso
VV Karasiev, T Sjostrom, SB Trickey
Computer Physics Communications 185 (12), 3240-3249, 2014
A review of equation-of-state models for inertial confinement fusion materials
JA Gaffney, SX Hu, P Arnault, A Becker, LX Benedict, TR Boehly, ...
High Energy Density Physics 28, 7-24, 2018
Fast and accurate quantum molecular dynamics of dense plasmas across temperature regimes
T Sjostrom, J Daligault
Physical review letters 113 (15), 155006, 2014
Review of the first charged-particle transport coefficient comparison workshop
PE Grabowski, SB Hansen, MS Murillo, LG Stanton, FR Graziani, ...
High Energy Density Physics 37, 100905, 2020
Gradient corrections to the exchange-correlation free energy
T Sjostrom, J Daligault
Physical Review B 90 (15), 155109, 2014
Ionic transport coefficients of dense plasmas without molecular dynamics
J Daligault, SD Baalrud, CE Starrett, D Saumon, T Sjostrom
Physical review letters 116 (7), 075002, 2016
Strongly coupled electron liquid: Ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations and dielectric theories
T Dornheim, T Sjostrom, S Tanaka, J Vorberger
Physical Review B 101 (4), 045129, 2020
Ionic and electronic transport properties in dense plasmas by orbital-free density functional theory
T Sjostrom, J Daligault
Physical Review E 92 (6), 063304, 2015
Comparison of density functional approximations and the finite-temperature Hartree-Fock approximation in warm dense lithium
VV Karasiev, T Sjostrom, SB Trickey
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (5 …, 2012
Nonlocal orbital-free noninteracting free-energy functional for warm dense matter
T Sjostrom, J Daligault
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (19), 195103, 2013
Temperature-dependent behavior of confined many-electron systems in the Hartree-Fock approximation
T Sjostrom, FE Harris, SB Trickey
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (4), 045125, 2012
Wide ranging equation of state with Tartarus: A hybrid Green’s function/orbital based average atom code
CE Starrett, NM Gill, T Sjostrom, CW Greeff
Computer Physics Communications 235, 50-62, 2019
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