Distribution of methane and carbon dioxide concentrations in the near-surface zone and their genetic characterization at the abandoned “Nowa Ruda” coal mine (Lower Silesian … H Sechman, MJ Kotarba, J Fiszer, M Dzieniewicz International Journal of Coal Geology 116, 1-16, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
The example of background determination and mathematical processing of data from surface geochemical survey for the purposes of petroleum exploration H Sechman, M Dzieniewicz Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (2), 396-406, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
Detailed compositional analysis of hydrocarbons in soil gases above multi-horizon petroleum deposits–a case study from western Poland H Sechman Applied Geochemistry 27 (10), 2130-2147, 2012 | 33 | 2012 |
Soil gas composition above gas deposits and perspective structures of the Carpathian Foredeep, SE Poland H Sechman, M Dzieniewicz, B Liszka Applied Geochemistry 27 (1), 197-210, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
Impact of the landfill of ashes from the smelter on the soil environment: case study from the South Poland, Europe A Twaróg, M Mamak, H Sechman, P Rusiniak, E Kasprzak, K Stanek Environmental geochemistry and health 42 (5), 1453-1467, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Light hydrocarbons in soil gas above prospective oil‐and gas‐bearing structures: Pomeranian Synclinorium, NW Poland H Sechman, M Dzieniewicz, A Nowicka Journal of Petroleum Geology 34 (4), 365-385, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |
Influence of soil moisture on the results of surface geochemical survey applied to petroleum exploration H Sechman, M Dzieniewicz Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 56 (4), 267-282, 2007 | 22 | 2007 |
Distribution of methane and carbon dioxide concentrations in the near-surface zone, genetic implications, and evaluation of gas flux around abandoned shafts in the Jastrzębie … H Sechman, MJ Kotarba, S Kędzior, M Dzieniewicz, T Romanowski, ... International Journal of Coal Geology 204, 51-69, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Pollution of near-surface zone in the vicinity of gas wells H Sechman, WJ Mościcki, M Dzieniewicz Geoderma 197, 193-204, 2013 | 21 | 2013 |
Surface geochemical exploration for hydrocarbons in the area of prospective structures of the Lublin Trough (Eastern Poland) H Sechman, G Izydor, P Guzy, M Dzieniewicz Marine and Petroleum Geology 61, 22-38, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Fluctuations in methane and carbon dioxide concentrations in the near-surface zone and their genetic characterization in abandoned and active coal mines in the SW part of the … H Sechman, MJ Kotarba, S Kędzior, A Kochman, A Twaróg International Journal of Coal Geology 227, 103529, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Zestaw do ręcznego pobierania próbek gazowych z warstw przypowierzchniowych M Dzieniewicz, H Sechman Patent RP, 2002 | 18 | 2002 |
Surface geochemical survey at Starunia palaeontological site and vicinity (Carpathian region, Ukraine) H Sechman, MJ Kotarba, M Dzieniewicz Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 79 (3), 375-390, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
Evidence of methane and carbon dioxide migration to the near surface zone in the area of the abandoned coal mines in Wałbrzych District (Lower Silesian Coal Basin, SW Poland … H Sechman, MJ Kotarba, M Dzieniewicz, T Romanowski, J Fiszer International Journal of Coal Geology 183, 138-160, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Distribution and origin of gaseous hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide in the Quaternary sediments at Starunia palaeontological site and vicinity (Carpathian region, Ukraine) MJ Kotarba, H Sechman, M Dzieniewicz Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 79 (3), 403-419, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
Evaluation of methane and carbon dioxide flux from Upper Carboniferous coal-bearing strata to near-surface zone in the Wałbrzych Coal District A Korus, MJ Kotarba, M Dzieniewicz, H Sechman Society of Research on Enviromental Changes „Geospher”, Kraków, 175-188, 2002 | 14 | 2002 |
Direct and indirect surface geochemical methods in petroleum exploration: a case study from eastern part of the Polish Outer Carpathians H Sechman, P Guzy, P Kaszuba, A Wojas, G Machowski, A Twaróg, ... International Journal of Earth Sciences 109, 1853-1867, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Surface geochemical surveying of methane and carbon dioxide in the selected areas of the Wałbrzych Coal District M Dzieniewicz, H Sechman, MJ Kotarba, A Korus Rozdział 8, 95-106, 2002 | 13 | 2002 |
Geochem i cal sur vey, mo lec u lar and iso to pic com po si tions, and ge netic iden ti fi ca tion of near-sur face gases from the Starunia area, fore-Carpathian re gion, Ukraine MJ Kotarba, M Dzieniewicz, H Sechman Pol ish and Ukrai nian geo log i cal stud ies (2004–2005) at Starunia–the …, 2005 | 12 | 2005 |
Interpretation of a gas chimney in the Polish Carpathian Foredeep based on integrated seismic and geochemical data P Marzec, H Sechman, M Kasperska, K Cichostępski, P Guzy, K Pietsch, ... Basin Research 30, 210-227, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |