Howard Bauchner
Howard Bauchner
Boston University School of Medicine
在 bu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Effects of maternal marijuana and cocaine use on fetal growth
B Zuckerman, DA Frank, R Hingson, H Amaro, SM Levenson, H Kayne, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 320 (12), 762-768, 1989
Depressive symptoms during pregnancy: relationship to poor health behaviors
B Zuckerman, H Amaro, H Bauchner, H Cabral
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 160 (5), 1107-1111, 1989
Maternal cigarette smoking, metabolic gene polymorphism, and infant birth weight
X Wang, B Zuckerman, C Pearson, G Kaufman, C Chen, G Wang, T Niu, ...
Jama 287 (2), 195-202, 2002
Association between vitamin D deficiency and primary cesarean section
A Merewood, SD Mehta, TC Chen, H Bauchner, MF Holick
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 94 (3), 940-945, 2009
Cocaine use during pregnancy: prevalence and correlates
DA Frank, BS Zuckerman, H Amaro, K Aboagye, H Bauchner, H Cabral, ...
Pediatrics 82 (6), 888-895, 1988
Sharing clinical trial data: a proposal from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
DB Taichman, J Backus, C Baethge, H Bauchner, PW De Leeuw, ...
The Lancet 387 (10016), e9-e11, 2016
Maternal depressive symptoms during pregnancy, and newborn irritability
B Zuckerman, H Bauchner, S Parker, H Cabral
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 11 (4), 190-194, 1990
Data sharing statements for clinical trials: a requirement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
DB Taichman, P Sahni, A Pinborg, L Peiperl, C Laine, A James, ST Hong, ...
The Lancet 389 (10086), e12-e14, 2017
Parents, physicians, and antibiotic use
H Bauchner, SI Pelton, JO Klein
Pediatrics 103 (2), 395-401, 1999
The impact of ethnicity, family income, and parental education on children's health and use of health services.
G Flores, H Bauchner, AR Feinstein, US Nguyen
American journal of public health 89 (7), 1066-1071, 1999
Parental acceptance of the human papillomavirus vaccine
E Olshen, ER Woods, SB Austin, M Luskin, H Bauchner
Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (3), 248-251, 2005
The reporting of race and ethnicity in medical and science journals: comments invited
A Flanagin, T Frey, SL Christiansen, H Bauchner
Jama 325 (11), 1049-1052, 2021
Studies of breast-feeding and infections: how good is the evidence?
H Bauchner, JM Leventhal, ED Shapiro
Jama 256 (7), 887-892, 1986
Pediatricians' attitudes, beliefs, and practices regarding clinical practice guidelines: a national survey
G Flores, M Lee, H Bauchner, B Kastner
Pediatrics 105 (3), 496-501, 2000
Night waking during infancy: role of parental presence at bedtime
R Adair, H Bauchner, B Philipp, S Levenson, B Zuckerman
Pediatrics 87 (4), 500-504, 1991
Breastfeeding rates in US Baby-Friendly hospitals: results of a national survey
A Merewood, SD Mehta, LB Chamberlain, BL Philipp, H Bauchner
Pediatrics 116 (3), 628-634, 2005
A call for outcomes research in medical education
FM Chen, H Bauchner, H Burstin
Academic medicine 79 (10), 955-960, 2004
Parents’ and physicians’ views on antibiotics
DA Palmer, H Bauchner
Pediatrics 99 (6), e6-e6, 1997
Conserving supply of personal protective equipment—a call for ideas
H Bauchner, PB Fontanarosa, EH Livingston
Jama 323 (19), 1911-1911, 2020
Effect of computer order entry on prevention of serious medication errors in hospitalized children
KE Walsh, CP Landrigan, WG Adams, RJ Vinci, JB Chessare, MR Cooper, ...
Pediatrics 121 (3), e421-e427, 2008
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