suhong zhou
suhong zhou
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A comparative analysis of the impacts of objective versus subjective neighborhood environment on physical, mental, and social health
L Zhang, S Zhou, MP Kwan
Health & place 59, 102170, 2019
Impacts of individual daily greenspace exposure on health based on individual activity space and structural equation modeling
L Zhang, S Zhou, MP Kwan, F Chen, R Lin
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (10), 2323, 2018
Spatial-temporal heterogeneity of air pollution: The relationship between built environment and on-road PM2. 5 at micro scale
S Zhou, R Lin
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 76, 305-322, 2019
The uncertain geographic context problem in the analysis of the relationships between obesity and the built environment in Guangzhou
P Zhao, MP Kwan, S Zhou
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (2), 308, 2018
周素红, 闫小培
地理学报 60 (1), 131-142, 2005
The impact of spatial mismatch on residents in low-income housing neighbourhoods: A study of the Guangzhou metropolis, China
S Zhou, Z Wu, L Cheng
Urban Studies 50 (9), 1817-1835, 2013
Crime feeds on legal activities: Daily mobility flows help to explain thieves’ target location choices
G Song, W Bernasco, L Liu, L Xiao, S Zhou, W Liao
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 35, 831-854, 2019
Social and spatial differentiation of high and low income groups’ out-of-home activities in Guangzhou, China
S Zhou, L Deng, MP Kwan, R Yan
Cities 45, 81-90, 2015
周素红, 程璐萍, 吴志东
地理研究, 1735-1745, 2010
Dynamic greenspace exposure and residents’ mental health in Guangzhou, China: From over-head to eye-level perspective, from quantity to quality
R Wang, Z Feng, J Pearce, S Zhou, L Zhang, Y Liu
Landscape and Urban Planning 215, 104230, 2021
周素红, 闫小培
地理学报 2, 2006
Testing indicators of risk populations for theft from the person across space and time: The significance of mobility and outdoor activity
G Song, L Liu, W Bernasco, L Xiao, S Zhou, W Liao
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108 (5), 1370-1388, 2018
Using decision tree analysis to identify the determinants of residents’ CO2 emissions from different types of trips: A case study of Guangzhou, China
W Yang, S Zhou
Journal of Cleaner Production 277, 124071, 2020
Assessing the impact of street-view greenery on fear of neighborhood crime in Guangzhou, China
F Jing, L Liu, S Zhou, J Song, L Wang, H Zhou, Y Wang, R Ma
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (1), 311, 2021
Ageing in place and ageing with migration in the transitional context of urban China: A case study of ageing communities in Guangzhou
S Zhou, M Xie, MP Kwan
Habitat International 49, 177-186, 2015
Valuation of travel time reliability in passenger transport
YY Tseng
Rozenberg Publishers, 2008
Optimizing spatial allocation of COVID‐19 vaccine by agent‐based spatiotemporal simulations
S Zhou, S Zhou, Z Zheng, J Lu
GeoHealth 5 (6), e2021GH000427, 2021
Theft from the person in urban China: Assessing the diurnal effects of opportunity and social ecology
G Song, L Liu, W Bernasco, S Zhou, L Xiao, D Long
Habitat International 78, 13-20, 2018
The impact of immediate urban environments on people’s momentary happiness
L Su, S Zhou, MP Kwan, Y Chai, X Zhang
Urban Studies 59 (1), 140-160, 2022
Planning for plural groups? Villages-in-the-city redevelopment in Guangzhou city, China
H Chung, SH Zhou
International Planning Studies 16 (4), 333-353, 2011
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