Brian Scott Gordon
Brian Scott Gordon
Professor, Sport Management, University of Kansas
在 ku.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Conceptualization and measurement of fan engagement: Empirical evidence from a professional sport context
M Yoshida, B Gordon, M Nakazawa, R Biscaia
Journal of Sport Management 28 (4), 399-417, 2014
Predicting behavioral loyalty through community: Why other fans are more important than our own intentions, our satisfaction, and the team itself
M Yoshida, B Heere, B Gordon
Journal of Sport Management 29 (3), 318-333, 2015
Bridging the gap between social media and behavioral brand loyalty
M Yoshida, BS Gordon, M Nakazawa, S Shibuya, N Fujiwara
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 28, 208-218, 2018
Fan community identification: An empirical examination of its outcomes in Japanese professional sport
M Yoshida, BS Gordon, B Heere, JD James
Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2015
Who is more influenced by customer equity drivers?
M Yoshida, B Gordon, J James
Sport Management Review 15, 389-403, 2012
Status of participation in physical activity among international students attending colleges and universities in the United States.
T Yoh, H Yang, B Gordon
College Student Journal 42 (4), 2008
Conceptualizing employee identification with sport organizations: Sport Employee Identification (SEI)
BD Oja, JR Bass, BS Gordon
Sport Management Review 18 (4), 583-595, 2015
An experimental examination of activist type and effort on brand image and purchase intentions
SH Schmidt, MB Shreffler, ME Hambrick, BS Gordon
Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2018
Social capital and consumer happiness: toward an alternative explanation of consumer-brand identification
M Yoshida, BS Gordon, JD James
Journal of Brand Management 28 (5), 481, 2021
A Conceptual Framework for Retro Marketing in Sport.
Z Scola, BS Gordon
Sport Marketing Quarterly 27 (3), 2018
The development of brand association measures in multiple product categories: New findings and implications for goods and service brands
BS Gordon, JD James, M Yoshida
International Journal of Business Administration, 2016
Assessing satisfaction with campus recreation facilities among college students with physical disabilities
T Yoh, M Mohr, B Gordon
Recreational Sports Journal 32 (2), 106-113, 2008
Identities in the sport workplace: Development of an instrument to measure sport employee identification
BD Oja, JR Bass, BS Gordon
Journal of Global Sport Management 5 (3), 262-284, 2020
Student-athlete school selection: A family systems theory approach
CC Schaeperkoetter, JR Bass, BS Gordon
Journal of Intercollegiate Sport 8 (2), 266-286, 2015
Sport fans and their behavior in fan communities
M Yoshida, B Gordon, JD James, B Heere
Sports management and sports humanities, 89-101, 2015
Exploring retro marketing with sport marketing professionals
Z Scola, BS Gordon
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 9 (3), 284-300, 2019
The impact of brand equity drivers on consumer-based brand resonance in multiple product settings
BS Gordon
The Florida State University, 2010
The role of pride feelings in the team and fan community identification processes: An empirical examination in professional sport
BS Gordon, M Yoshida, M Nakazawa, J Bass
Corporate Reputation Review 24, 76-94, 2021
The impact of brand equity drivers on consumer-based brand equity in the sport service setting
BS Gordon, JD James
International Journal of Business Administration, 2017
An exploratory investigation of sportsmanship attitudes among college student basketball fans.
A Rudd, BS Gordon
Journal of Sport Behavior 33 (4), 2010
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