Kumar Saurav
Kumar Saurav
The Czech Academy of Sciences
在 alga.cz 的电子邮件经过验证
Quorum Sensing Inhibitors from the Sea Discovered Using Bacterial N-acyl-homoserine Lactone-Based Biosensors
K Saurav, V Costantino, V Venturi, L Steindler
Marine drugs 15 (3), 53, 2017
Cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity of 5-(2, 4-dimethylbenzyl) pyrrolidin-2-one extracted from marine Streptomyces VITSVK5 spp.
K Saurav, K Kannabiran
Saudi journal of biological sciences 19 (1), 81-86, 2012
In search of alternative antibiotic drugs: Quorum-quenching activity in sponges and their bacterial isolates
K Saurav, R Bar-Shalom, M Haber, I Burgsdorf, G Oliviero, V Costantino, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 181446, 2016
Biological and pharmacological potential of xylitol: a molecular insight of unique metabolism
V Ahuja, M Macho, D Ewe, M Singh, S Saha, K Saurav
Foods 9 (11), 1592, 2020
Diversity and optimization of process parameters for the growth of Streptomyces VITSVK9 spp isoled from Bay of Bengal, India
K Saurav, K Kannabiran
J Nat Environ Sci 1 (2), 56-65, 2010
Antibacterial and cytotoxic new napyradiomycins from the marine-derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 10428
Z Wu, S Li, J Li, Y Chen, K Saurav, Q Zhang, H Zhang, W Zhang, W Zhang, ...
Marine drugs 11 (6), 2113-2125, 2013
Antibacterial potential of macroalgae collected from the Madappam coast, India
N Srivastava, K Saurav, V Mohanasrinivasan, K Kannabiran, M Singh
British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 1 (2), 72-76, 2010
Biosorption of Cr (VI), Cr (III), Pb (II) and Cd (II) from aqueous solutions by Sargassum wightii and Caulerpa racemosa algal biomass
N Tamilselvan, K Saurav, K Kannabiran
Journal of Ocean University of China 11, 52-58, 2012
Antifungal activity of Streptomyces VITSVK5 spp. against drug resistant Aspergillus clinical isolates from pulmonary tuberculosis patients
S Kumar, K Kannabiran
Journal de Mycologie Médicale 20 (2), 101-107, 2010
Larvicidal activity of isolated compound 5-(2, 4-dimethylbenzyl) pyrrolidin-2-one from marine Streptomyces VITSVK5 sp. against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, Anopheles …
K Saurav, G Rajakumar, K Kannabiran, AA Rahuman, K Velayutham, ...
Parasitology research 112, 215-226, 2013
α-Pyrones with Diverse Hydroxy Substitutions from Three Marine-Derived Nocardiopsis Strains
H Zhang, K Saurav, Z Yu, A Mandi, T Kurtan, J Li, X Tian, Q Zhang, ...
Journal of Natural Products 79 (6), 1610-1618, 2016
Larvicidal activity of Trigonellafoenum and Nerium oleander leaves against mosquito larvae found in Vellore City, India
R Lokesh, EL Barnabas, P Madhuri, K Saurav, K Sundar
Current research journal of biological sciences 2 (3), 154-160, 2010
Metagenomic analysis reveals unusually high incidence of proteorhodopsin genes in the ultraoligotrophic E astern M editerranean S ea
V Dubinsky, M Haber, I Burgsdorf, K Saurav, Y Lehahn, A Malik, D Sher, ...
Environmental microbiology 19 (3), 1077-1090, 2017
Biosorption of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) by Streptomyces VITSVK9 spp.
K Saurav, K Kannabiran
Annals of microbiology 61, 833-841, 2011
Insight into unprecedented diversity of cyanopeptides in eutrophic ponds using an ms/ms networking approach
A Kust, K Řeháková, J Vrba, V Maicher, J Mareš, P Hrouzek, MC Chiriac, ...
Toxins 12 (9), 561, 2020
In vitro bioaccessibility of selenoamino acids from selenium (Se)-enriched Chlorella vulgaris biomass in comparison to selenized yeast; a Se-enriched food supplement; and Se …
K Saurav, M Mylenko, K Ranglová, J Kuta, D Ewe, J Masojídek, ...
Food chemistry 279, 12-19, 2019
Plakofuranolactone as a Quorum Quenching Agent from the Indonesian Sponge Plakortis cf. lita
V Costantino, G Della Sala, K Saurav, R Teta, R Bar-Shalom, A Mangoni, ...
Marine drugs 15 (3), 59, 2017
Lipase production by Bacillus subtilis OCR-4 in solid state fermentation using ground nut oil cakes as substrate
M Singh, K Saurav, N Srivastava, K Kannabiran
Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2 (4), 241-245, 2010
A New N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone Synthase in an Uncultured Symbiont of the Red Sea Sponge Theonella swinhoei
M Britstein, G Devescovi, KM Handley, A Malik, M Haber, K Saurav, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 82 (4), 1274-1285, 2016
Biosorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions by aqueous solutions of novel alkalophillic Streptomyces VITSVK5 spp. biomass
K Saurav, K Kannabiran
Journal of Ocean University of China 10, 61-66, 2011
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