Robert Bifulco
Robert Bifulco
在 syr.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The impacts of charter schools on student achievement: Evidence from North Carolina
R Bifulco, HF Ladd
Education Finance and Policy 1 (1), 50-90, 2006
School choice, racial segregation, and test‐score gaps: Evidence from North Carolina's charter school program
R Bifulco, HF Ladd
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 26 (1), 31-56, 2007
The effect of classmate characteristics on post-secondary outcomes: Evidence from the Add Health
R Bifulco, JM Fletcher, SL Ross
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3 (1), 25-53, 2011
Public school choice and integration evidence from Durham, North Carolina
R Bifulco, HF Ladd, SL Ross
Social Science Research 38 (1), 71-85, 2009
Institutional change and coproduction of public services: The effect of charter schools on parental involvement
R Bifulco, HF Ladd
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 16 (4), 553-576, 2006
Can interdistrict choice boost student achievement? The case of Connecticut’s interdistrict magnet school program
R Bifulco, CD Cobb, C Bell
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 31 (4), 323-345, 2009
Can nonexperimental estimates replicate estimates based on random assignment in evaluations of school choice? A within‐study comparison
R Bifulco
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 31 (3), 729-751, 2012
The effects of public school choice on those left behind: Evidence from Durham, North Carolina
R Bifulco, HF Ladd, SL Ross
Peabody Journal of Education 84 (2), 130-149, 2009
Estimating school efficiency: A comparison of methods using simulated data
R Bifulco, S Bretschneider
Economics of Education Review 20 (5), 417-429, 2001
Fiscal impacts of charter schools: Lessons from New York
R Bifulco, R Reback
Education Finance and Policy 9 (1), 86-107, 2014
Do high school peers have persistent effects on college attainment and other life outcomes?
R Bifulco, JM Fletcher, SJ Oh, SL Ross
Labour economics 29, 83-90, 2014
Does whole‐school reform boost student performance? The case of New York City
R Bifulco, W Duncombe, J Yinger
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association …, 2005
Debt and deception: How states avoid making hard fiscal decisions
R Bifulco, B Bunch, W Duncombe, M Robbins, W Simonsen
Public Administration Review 72 (5), 659-667, 2012
District-level Black-White funding disparities in the United States, 1987-2002
R Bifulco
Journal of Education Finance 31 (2), 172-194, 2005
Charter schools
R Bifulco, K Bulkley
Handbook of research in education finance and policy, 423-443, 2014
Does participatory budgeting change the share of public funding to low income neighborhoods?
I Shybalkina, R Bifulco
Public Budgeting & Finance 39 (1), 45-66, 2019
The influence of finance and accountability policies on location of New York state charter schools
R Bifulco, C Buerger
Journal of Education Finance 40 (3), 193-221, 2015
The effect of charter schools on districts’ student composition, costs, and efficiency: The case of New York state
C Buerger, R Bifulco
Economics of Education Review 69, 61-72, 2019
Evaluating the effects of universal place‐based scholarships on student outcomes: the Buffalo “Say Yes to Education” Program
R Bifulco, R Rubenstein, H Sohn
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 38 (4), 918-943, 2019
Assessing the effects of place-based scholarships on urban revitalization: The case of say yes to education
H Sohn, R Rubenstein, J Murchie, R Bifulco
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 39 (2), 198-222, 2017
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