Dr. Uchenna Cyril Eze
Dr. Uchenna Cyril Eze
Information Systems and Marketing, BNU-HKBU United International College
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Internet‐based ICT adoption: evidence from Malaysian SMEs
KS Tan, SC Chong, B Lin, UC Eze
Industrial Management & Data Systems 109 (2), 224-244, 2009
Analyzing key determinants of online repurchase intentions
CH Lee, UC Eze, NO Ndubisi
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 23 (2), 200-221, 2011
Internet‐based ICT adoption among SMEs: Demographic versus benefits, barriers, and adoption intention
K Sin Tan, S Choy Chong, B Lin, U Cyril Eze
Journal of enterprise information management 23 (1), 27-55, 2010
Green buyer behavior: Evidence from Asia consumers
UC Eze, NO Ndubisi
Journal of Asian and African Studies 48 (4), 413-426, 2013
Perspectives of SMEs on knowledge sharing
U Cyril Eze, G Guan Gan Goh, C Yih Goh, T Ling Tan
Vine 43 (2), 210-236, 2013
Consumers' attitude towards advertising
UC Eze, CH Lee
International journal of business and management 7 (13), 94, 2012
key determinants of knowledge sharing in electronics manufacturing firm in Malaysia
NM Fathi, UC Eze, GGG & Goh
library review 60 (1), 53-67, 2011
An empirical analysis of consumer behavioral intention toward mobile coupons in Malaysia
S Jayasingh, UC Eze
International Journal of Business and Information 4 (2), 221-242, 2009
Customers' perception on Islamic retail banking: A comparative analysis between the urban and rural regions of Malaysia
S Thambiah, UC Eze, AJ Santhapparaj, K Arumugam
International Journal of Business and Management 6 (1), 187, 2011
Purchasing cosmetic products: A preliminary perspective of Gen-Y
UC Eze, CB Tan, ALY Yeo
Contemporary management research 8 (1), 2012
Relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence in nurturing creativity and innovation among successful entrepreneurs: A conceptual framework
STS Chin, K Raman, JA Yeow, UC Eze
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 57, 261-267, 2012
The role of moderating factors in mobile coupon adoption: An extended TAM perspective
S Jayasingh, UC Eze
Communications of the IBIMA, 2010
An empirical study of internet-based ICT adoption among Malaysian SMEs
KS Tan, UC Eze
Communications of the IBIMA 1 (1), 1-12, 2008
Factors affecting internet banking adoption among young adults: Evidence from Malaysia
UC Eze, JK Manyeki, LH Yaw, LC Har
International conference on social science and Humanity 5 (1), 377-381, 2011
Modelling user trust and mobile payment adoption: a conceptual Framework
UC Eze, GGG Gan, J Ademu, SA Tella
Communications of the IBIMA 3 (29), 224-231, 2008
Integrating knowledge management and human resource management for sustainable performance
NB Ishak, UC Eze, LS Ling
Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management 2010, 1-13, 2010
The effect of IT ambidexterity and cloud computing absorptive capacity on competitive advantage
Y Chang, SF Wong, U Eze, H Lee
Industrial Management & Data Systems 119 (3), 613-638, 2019
Determinants of tax compliance behaviour of corporate taxpayers in Malaysia
NS Sapiei, J Kasipillai, UC Eze
eJTR 12, 383, 2014
Empowerment practices and performance in Malaysia-an empirical study
MA Raquib, RN Anantharaman, UC Eze, MW Murad
International Journal of Business and Management 5 (1), 123, 2010
Customer awareness and current usage of Islamic retail banking products and services in Malaysia
S Thambiah, UC Eze, H Ismail
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 5 (10), 667-671, 2011
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