Optimization of mass concrete construction using genetic algorithms EMR Fairbairn, MM Silvoso, RD Toledo Filho, JLD Alves, NFF Ebecken Computers & structures 82 (2-3), 281-299, 2004 | 128 | 2004 |
Macroscopic model of concrete subjected to alkali–aggregate reaction MCR Farage, JLD Alves, EMR Fairbairn Cement and Concrete Research 34 (3), 495-505, 2004 | 89 | 2004 |
Simple zero thickness kinematically consistent interface elements A Coutinho, MAD Martins, RM Sydenstricker, JLD Alves, L Landau Computers and Geotechnics 30 (5), 347-374, 2003 | 67 | 2003 |
Implementation of advanced analysis method for steel-framed structures under fire conditions A Landesmann, EM Batista, JLD Alves Fire safety journal 40 (4), 339-366, 2005 | 56 | 2005 |
Edge‐based finite element techniques for non‐linear solid mechanics problems ALGA Coutinho, MAD Martins, JLD Alves, L Landau, A Moraes International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 50 (9), 2053-2068, 2001 | 52 | 2001 |
History matching and production optimization under uncertainties–Application of closed-loop reservoir management VLS Silva, AA Emerick, P Couto, JLD Alves Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 157, 860-874, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |
Estudo da influência das anomalias da TSM do Atlântico Sul extratropical na região da Confluência Brasil-Malvinas no regime hidrometeorológico de verão do Sul e Sudeste do Brasil M Cataldi, LPF Assad, AR Torres Junior, JLD Alves Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 25, 513-524, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
Simulação numérica do processo de estampagem de chapas metálicas: Modelação mecânica e métodos numéricos JLCM Alves | 44 | 2003 |
Finite element simulation of nonlinear viscous fingering in miscible displacements with anisotropic dispersion and nonmonotonic viscosity profiles ALGA Coutinho, JLD Alves Computational Mechanics 23 (2), 108-116, 1999 | 39 | 1999 |
Parallel finite element simulation of miscible displacements in porous media ALGA Coutinho, JLD Alves SPE Journal 1 (04), 487-500, 1996 | 38 | 1996 |
The impact of constitutive modeling of porous rocks on 2-D wellbore stability analysis LC Coelho, AC Soares, NFF Ebecken, JLD Alves, L Landau Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 46 (1-2), 81-100, 2005 | 33 | 2005 |
Stabilized methods and post-processing techniques for miscible displacements A Coutinho, CM Dias, JLD Alves, L Landau, AFD Loula, SMC Malta, ... Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193 (15-16), 1421-1436, 2004 | 32 | 2004 |
HYPROP measurements of the unsaturated hydraulic properties of a carbonate rock sample T Lipovetsky, L Zhuang, WG Teixeira, A Boyd, EM Pontedeiro, L Moriconi, ... Journal of hydrology 591, 125706, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Simulação numérica do processo de estampagem de chapas metálicas JL Alves Universidade do Minho, 2003 | 21 | 2003 |
Climate downscaling over South America for 1971–2000: application in SMAP rainfall-runoff model for Grande River Basin FNR da Silva, JLD Alves, M Cataldi Climate Dynamics 52, 681-696, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
Pile driving simulation and analysis by the finite element method A Coutinho, AM Costa, JLD Alves, L Landau, NFF Ebecken Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Application of …, 1988 | 17 | 1988 |
Parallel Iterative Solution of Finite Element Systems of Equations Employing Edge-Based Data Structures. MAD Martins, ALGA Coutinho, JLD Alves PPSC, 1997 | 16 | 1997 |
Clustered edge-by-edge preconditioners for non-symmetric finite element equations L Catabriga, MDA Martins, A Coutinho, JLD Alves 4th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 1998 | 15 | 1998 |
A hybrid FEM-DEM approach to the simulation of fluid flow laden with many particles MVS Casagrande, JLD Alves, CE Silva, FT Alves, RN Elias, ... Computational particle mechanics 4, 213-227, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
A comprehensive approach for assessing the impacts of wettability on oil production in carbonate reservoirs M Faerstein, P Couto, J Alves International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 44939 …, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |