Professor Nurudeen Abu
Professor Nurudeen Abu
Baba-Ahmed University, kano
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Government expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria, 1970-2008: A disaggregated analysis
N Abu, A Usman
Business and Economics Journal 4, 1-11, 2010
Determinants of foreign direct investment in Nigeria: An empirical analysis
WO Gobna, N Abu
Global Journal of Human Social Science 10 (1), 26-34, 2010
Does stock market development raise economic growth? Evidence from Nigeria
N Abu
Review of Finance and Banking 1 (1), 015-026, 2009
Corruption, political instability and economic development in the economic community of West African states (ECOWAS): Is there a causal relationship?
N Abu, MZA Karim, MIA Aziz
Contemporary Economics 9 (1), 46-60, 2015
Saving-economic growth nexus in Nigeria, 1970-2007: Granger causality and co-integration analyses
N Abu
Review of Economic and Business Studies 3 (1), 93-104, 2010
Determinants of corruption in Nigeria: Evidence from various estimation techniques
A Nurudeen, M Waldemar Staniewski
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 32 (1), 3052-3076, 2019
Does Okun’s law exist in Nigeria? Evidence from ARDL bounds testing approach
N Abu
Contemporary Economics 11 (2), 131-144, 2017
Market efficiency and volatility persistence of cryptocurrency during pre- and post-crash periods of Bitcoin: Evidence based on fractional integration
OOS Yaya, AE Ogbonna, R Mudida, N Abu
International Journal of Finance and Economics 26, 1318-1335, 2021
Inflation and Unemployment Trade-off: A Re-examination of the Phillips Curve and its Stability in Nigeria
N Abu
Contemporary Economics 13 (1), 21-34, 2019
Do fiscal deficits raise interest rates in Nigeria? A vector auto-regression approach
B Obi, N Abu
Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods 4 (3), 306-316, 2009
The relationships between foreign direct investment, domestic savings, domestic investment, and economic growth: The case of sub-saharan Africa
N Abu, MZA Karim
Society and Economy 38 (2), 193-217, 2016
Determinants of foreign direct investment: The case of Nigeria
N Abu, WO Gobna, AE Menson
The IUP Journal of Monetary Economics 9 (3), 50-67, 2011
An empirical investigation of the Fisher effect in Nigeria: A cointegration and error correction approach
B Obi, N Abu, WO Gobna
International Review of Business Research Papers 5 (5), 96-109, 2009
How have COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths affected stock markets? Evidence from Nigeria
N Abu, AAM Gamal, MA Sakanko, A Mateen, J David, BOO Amaechi
Contemporary Economics, 76-99, 2021
Low savings rates in the economic community of West African states (ECOWAS): The role of the political instability-income interaction
N Abu, MZA Karim, MIA Aziz
South East European Journal of Economics and Business 8 (2), 53-63, 2014
Low savings rates in the economic community of West African states (ECOWAS): The role of corruption
N Abu, MZA Karim, MIA Aziz
Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development 36 (2), 2015
Determinants of exchange rate in Nigeria, 1970-2007: An empirical analysis
B Obi, WO Gobna, N Abu
Indian Journal of Economics & Business 9 (1), 2010
The causal relationships among corruption, political instability, economic development and foreign aid: Evidence from the economic community of West African states
N Abu, MZA Karim
Journal of Applied Economic Sciences 31 (1), 20-33, 2015
Is the Relationship Between Corruption and Domestic Investment Non-Linear in Nigeria? Empirical Evidence from Quarterly Data
N Abu, MZA Karim
Estudios de Economia Aplicada 39 (3), 1-18, 2021
An Empirical Investigation of the Twin Deficits Hypothesis in Nigeria: Evidence from Cointegration Techniques
N Abu, AAM Gamal
Contemporary Economics 14 (3), 285-305, 2020
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