Correlation neglect, voting behavior, and information aggregation G Levy, R Razin American Economic Review 105 (4), 1634-1645, 2015 | 201 | 2015 |
Signaling and election motivations in a voting model with common values and responsive candidates R Razin Econometrica 71 (4), 1083-1119, 2003 | 158 | 2003 |
On the limits of communication in multidimensional cheap talk: a comment G Levy, R Razin Econometrica 75 (3), 885-893, 2007 | 152* | 2007 |
It takes two: an explanation for the democratic peace G Levy, R Razin Journal of the European economic Association 2 (1), 1-29, 2004 | 122 | 2004 |
Religious beliefs, religious participation, and cooperation G Levy, R Razin American economic journal: microeconomics 4 (3), 121-151, 2012 | 120 | 2012 |
Echo chambers and their effects on economic and political outcomes G Levy, R Razin Annual Review of Economics 11 (1), 303-328, 2019 | 116 | 2019 |
Misspecified politics and the recurrence of populism G Levy, R Razin, A Young American Economic Review 112 (3), 928-962, 2022 | 92 | 2022 |
Choice shifts in groups: A decision-theoretic basis K Eliaz, D Ray, R Razin American Economic Review 96 (4), 1321-1332, 2006 | 90* | 2006 |
Bargaining over new ideas: The distribution of rents and the stability of innovative firms M Baccara, R Razin Journal of the European Economic Association 5 (6), 1095-1129, 2007 | 70* | 2007 |
Rituals or good works: Social signaling in religious organizations G Levy, R Razin Journal of the European Economic Association 12 (5), 1317-1360, 2014 | 63* | 2014 |
Coalition formation under power relations R Razin, M Piccione Theoretical Economics 4 (1), 1-15, 2009 | 53 | 2009 |
Persuasion with correlation neglect: a full manipulation result G Levy, IM Barreda, R Razin American Economic Review: Insights 4 (1), 123-138, 2022 | 43* | 2022 |
Information diffusion in networks with the Bayesian peer influence heuristic G Levy, R Razin Games and Economic Behavior 109, 262-270, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |
Does Polarisation of Opinions Lead to Polarisation of Platforms? The Case of Correlation Neglect G Levy, R Razin Quarterly Journal of Political Science 10 (3), 321-355, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
Dynamic legislative decision making when interest groups control the agenda G Levy, R Razin Journal of Economic Theory 148 (5), 1862-1890, 2013 | 37* | 2013 |
Group decision-making in the shadow of disagreement K Eliaz, D Ray, R Razin Journal of Economic theory 132 (1), 236-273, 2007 | 35 | 2007 |
Curb your innovation: corporate conservatism in the presence of imperfect intellectual property rights M Baccara, R Razin Available at SSRN 572848, 2004 | 33* | 2004 |
Combining forecasts in the presence of ambiguity over correlation structures G Levy, R Razin Journal of Economic Theory 199, 105075, 2022 | 31 | 2022 |
Preferences over equality in the presence of costly income sorting G Levy, R Razin American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 7 (2), 308-337, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
The coevolution of segregation, polarized beliefs, and discrimination: The case of private versus state education G Levy, R Razin American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 9 (4), 141-170, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |