Andre Mason
Andre Mason
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Otago
在 otago.ac.nz 的电子邮件经过验证
Evaluation of the English version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale and its relationship with behavior change and political beliefs
T Winter, BC Riordan, AH Pakpour, MD Griffiths, A Mason, JW Poulgrain, ...
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-11, 2020
Taking a break from social media improves wellbeing through sleep quality
S Graham, A Mason, B Riordan, T Winter, D Scarf
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 24 (6), 421-425, 2021
A content analysis of reddit users' perspectives on reasons for not following through with a suicide attempt
A Mason, K Jang, K Morley, D Scarf, SC Collings, BC Riordan
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 24 (10), 642-647, 2021
Does the fear of missing out moderate the relationship between social networking use and affect? A daily diary study
BC Riordan, T Winter, JAM Flett, A Mason, D Scarf, PE Jose, TS Conner
Psychological reports 125 (6), 3084-3099, 2022
Effects of vaping on uptake and cessation of smoking: Longitudinal analysis in Aotearoa New Zealand adults
A Mason, BC Riordan, T Winter, TS Conner, CG Sibley, D Scarf
Drug and alcohol review 42 (6), 1587-1594, 2023
A combined web based intervention and ecological momentary intervention for reducing alcohol use among incoming first-year university students: Results from a three-arm …
BC Riordan, T Winter, KB Carey, TS Conner, S Moradi, K Jang, KE Reid, ...
Addictive Behaviors 136, 107471, 2023
FoMO predicts alcohol use and harms over and above the big five personality traits among university students
BC Riordan, TS Conner, D Scarf, T Winter, A Mason, D Anderson-Luxford, ...
Journal of Substance Use, 1-5, 2023
Evaluation of the English Version of the Smartphone Application-Based Addiction Scale (SABAS) among an Adolescent Sample
A Mason, T Winter, BC Riordan, MD Griffiths, D Scarf
Psych 4 (4), 961-968, 2022
A Longitudinal Study of Depression Before, During, and Following the COVID-19 Nation-Wide Lockdown in Aotearoa New Zealand
D Scarf, A Lim, BC Riordan, T Winter, A Mason, CM Rapsey, S Graham
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 34 (4), 420-422, 2022
A Test of the Three-Way Interaction of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in an Aotearoa New Zealand University Sample
A Mason, BC Riordan, K Jang, SC Collings, D Scarf
New Zealand Journal of Psychology (Online) 50 (2), 4-8, 2021
Distinct or overlapping: Reviewing the role of central concepts in contemporary models of suicide
A Mason
Tatangi mai ana te tātarakihi, he wera kei te haere. The audible murmuring …, 2021
High risk or risky highs: understanding the links between alcohol and cannabis use on the transition from suicidal ideation to attempts in Australian men
A Mason, BC Riordan, K Morley, T Winter, P Haber, D Scarf
Archives of suicide research 28 (2), 600-609, 2024
LGBTQ+ suicide–A call to action for researchers and
H Marzetti, C Cooper, A Mason, N van Eijk
LGBTQ+ suicide–A call to action for researchers and governments on the politics, practices, and possibilities of LGBTQ+ suicide prevention
H Marzetti, C Cooper, A Mason, NL van Eijk, J Gunn Iii, K Kavalidou, ...
Crisis, 2024
Psychological predictors of vaping uptake among non‐smokers: A longitudinal investigation of New Zealand adults
TS Conner, GE Teah, CG Sibley, RM Turner, D Scarf, A Mason
Drug and alcohol review, 2024
Exploring the suicidal trajectory: Understanding key areas for intervention and prevention for Aotearoa university students
AK Mason
University of Otago, 2024
Is it all one big cloud of smoke? Effects of vaping on uptake and cessation of smoking: Longitudinal analysis in Aotearoa New Zealand adult
A Mason, BC Riordan, T Winter, T Conner, C Sibley, D Scarf
Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand university students intentions to seek help if experiencing mental distress: a comparison of naturalistic and interventional findings
A Mason, G Johnstone, BC Riordan, C Lie, C Rapsey, GJ Treharne, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (23), 15836, 2022
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