Harry A  Dailey
Harry A Dailey
Professor Emeritus, University of Georgia
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Prokaryotic heme biosynthesis: multiple pathways to a common essential product
HA Dailey, TA Dailey, S Gerdes, D Jahn, M Jahn, MR O'Brian, MJ Warren
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 81 (1), 10.1128/mmbr. 00048-16, 2017
One ring to rule them all: trafficking of heme and heme synthesis intermediates in the metazoans
I Hamza, HA Dailey
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1823 (9), 1617-1632, 2012
The 2.0 Å structure of human ferrochelatase, the terminal enzyme of heme biosynthesis
CK Wu, HA Dailey, JP Rose, A Burden, VM Sellers, BC Wang
Nature structural biology 8 (2), 156-160, 2001
Human ferrochelatase is an iron-sulfur protein
HA Dailey, MG Finnegan, MK Johnson
Biochemistry 33 (2), 403-407, 1994
A R59W mutation in human protoporphyrinogen oxidase results in decreased enzyme activity and is prevalent in South Africans with variegate porphyria
PN Meissner, TA Dailey, RJ Hift, M Ziman, AV Corrigall, AG Roberts, ...
Nature genetics 13 (1), 95-97, 1996
Ferrochelatase at the millennium: structures, mechanisms and [2Fe-2S] clusters
HA Dailey*, TA Dailey, CK Wu**, AE Medlock, JP Rose, KF Wang
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS 57, 1909-1926, 2000
Bovine ferrochelatase. Kinetic analysis of inhibition by N-methylprotoporphyrin, manganese, and heme.
HA Dailey, JE Fleming
Journal of Biological Chemistry 258 (19), 11453-11459, 1983
Differential interaction of porphyrins used in photoradiation therapy with ferrochelatase
HA Dailey, A Smith
Biochemical Journal 223 (2), 441-445, 1984
Ferrochelatase forms an oligomeric complex with mitoferrin-1 and Abcb10 for erythroid heme biosynthesis
W Chen, HA Dailey, BH Paw
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 116 (4), 628-630, 2010
Function of the [2Fe− 2S] cluster in mammalian ferrochelatase: a possible role as a nitric oxide sensor
VM Sellers, MK Johnson, HA Dailey
Biochemistry 35 (8), 2699-2704, 1996
Noncanonical coproporphyrin-dependent bacterial heme biosynthesis pathway that does not use protoporphyrin
HA Dailey, S Gerdes, TA Dailey, JS Burch, JD Phillips
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (7), 2210-2215, 2015
Modification and identification of cytochrome b5 carboxyl groups involved in protein-protein interaction with cytochrome b5 reductase.
HA Dailey, P Strittmatter
Journal of Biological Chemistry 254 (12), 5388-5396, 1979
Biosynthesis of heme and chlorophylls
HA Dailey
(No Title), 1990
Organization of the terminal two enzymes of the heme biosynthetic pathway. Orientation of protoporphyrinogen oxidase and evidence for a membrane complex.
GC Ferreira, TL Andrew, SW Karr, HA Dailey
Journal of Biological Chemistry 263 (8), 3835-3839, 1988
The crystal structure of augmenter of liver regeneration: A mammalian FAD‐dependent sulfhydryl oxidase
CK Wu, TA Dailey, HA Dailey, BC Wang, JP Rose
Protein science 12 (5), 1109-1118, 2003
Reduction of iron and synthesis of protoheme by Spirillum itersonii and other organisms
HA Dailey Jr, J Lascelles
Journal of Bacteriology 129 (2), 815-820, 1977
Erythroid heme biosynthesis and its disorders
HA Dailey, PN Meissner
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 3 (4), a011676, 2013
Terminal steps of haem biosynthesis
HA Dailey
Biochemical Society Transactions 30 (4), 590-595, 2002
Human protoporphyrinogen oxidase: expression, purification, and characterization of the cloned enzyme
TA Dailey, HA Dailey
Protein Science 5 (1), 98-105, 1996
Characterization of the interaction of amphipathic cytochrome b5 with stearyl coenzyme A desaturase and NADPH: cytochrome P-450 reductase.
HA Dailey, P Strittmatter
Journal of Biological Chemistry 255 (11), 5184-5189, 1980
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