Frab Norberto Boscolo
Frab Norberto Boscolo
Professor Titular da área de Radiologia Odontológica, FOP/UNICAMP
在 fop.unicamp.br 的电子邮件经过验证
The relationship between temporomandibular dysfunction and head and cervical posture
RA Matheus, FMM Ramos-Perez, AV Menezes, GMB Ambrosano, ...
Journal of Applied Oral Science 17, 204-208, 2009
Bone density: comparative evaluation of Hounsfield units in multislice and cone-beam computed tomography
IMCC Silva, DQ Freitas, GMB Ambrosano, FN Bóscolo, SM Almeida
Brazilian oral research 26, 550-556, 2012
Correlation of panoramic radiography and cone beam CT findings in the assessment of the relationship between impacted mandibular third molars and the mandibular canal
FS Neves, TC Souza, SM Almeida, F Haiter-Neto, DQ Freitas, FN Boscolo
Dentomaxillofacial radiology 41 (7), 553-557, 2012
Artefact expression associated with several cone‐beam computed tomographic machines when imaging root filled teeth
KF Vasconcelos, LFP Nicolielo, MC Nascimento, F Haiter‐Neto, ...
International endodontic journal 48 (10), 994-1000, 2015
Comparative analysis of mandibular anatomical variations between panoramic radiography and cone beam computed tomography
FS Neves, MCC Nascimento, ML Oliveira, SM Almeida, FN Bóscolo
Oral and maxillofacial surgery 18, 419-424, 2014
Comparison of digital systems and conventional dental film for the detection of approximal enamel caries
AA Pontual, DP De Melo, SM De Almeida, FN Bóscolo, F Haiter Neto
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 39 (7), 431-436, 2010
Condylar and disk position and signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in stress-free subjects
JO Vasconcelos Filho, AV de Menezes, DQ de Freitas, FR Manzi, ...
The Journal of the American Dental Association 138 (9), 1251-1255, 2007
Association between maxillary sinus pathologies and healthy teeth
GD Roque-Torres, LR Ramirez-Sotelo, SLA Vaz, SMA Bóscolo, ...
Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology 82 (1), 33-38, 2016
Evaluation of radioprotective effect of vitamin E in salivary dysfunction in irradiated rats
FM de Moraes Ramos, ML dos Anjos Pontual, SM de Almeida, ...
Archives of oral biology 51 (2), 96-101, 2006
Assessment of enamel demineralization using conventional, digital, and digitized radiography
RI Ferreira, F Haiter-Neto, CPM Tabchoury, GAN Paiva, FN Bóscolo
Brazilian oral research 20, 114-119, 2006
Nasolabial cyst: presentation of a clinical case with CT and MR images
RN Aquilino, VJ Bazzo, RJA Faria, NLM Eid, FN Bóscolo
Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia 74, 467-471, 2008
Bifid mandibular condyle: a case report
FM de Moraes Ramos, JO de Vasconcelos Filho, FR Manzi, FN Bóscolo, ...
Journal of oral science 48 (1), 35-37, 2006
Risk assessment of inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle by multidetector computed tomography in extractions of third molars
FS Neves, SM de Almeida, FN Bóscolo, F Haiter-Neto, MC Alves, ...
Surgical and radiologic anatomy 34, 619-624, 2012
Correlation between the position of hyoid bone and subregions of the pharyngeal airway space in lateral cephalometry and cone beam computed tomography
ED Da Costa, GD Roque-Torres, DM Brasil, FN Bóscolo, SM De Almeida, ...
The Angle Orthodontist 87 (5), 688-695, 2017
A comparison of the mandibular index on panoramic and cross-sectional images from CBCT exams from osteoporosis risk group
CC Gomes, GL de Rezende Barbosa, RP Bello, FN Bóscolo, ...
Osteoporosis International 25, 1885-1890, 2014
Tonsillolith–report of an unusual case
MP Caldas, EG Neves, FR Manzi, SM De Almeida, FN Bóscolo, ...
British Dental Journal 202 (5), 265-267, 2007
Sensitometric comparisons of Insight and Ektaspeed Plus films: effects of chemical developer depletion
MS Casanova, F Haiter-Neto, FN Bóscolo, SM Almeida
Brazilian Dental Journal 17, 149-154, 2006
Diagnosis of invasive cervical resorption by using cone beam computed tomography: report of two cases
KF Vasconcelos, Y Nejaim, F Haiter Neto, FN Bóscolo
Brazilian dental journal 23, 602-607, 2012
Racionalización de la dosis de radiación
Y Nejaim, KF Vasconcelos, GD Roque-Torres, A Meneses-López, ...
Revista estomatologica herediana 25 (3), 238-245, 2015
Poland–Moebius syndrome: a case with oral anomalies
AC Domingos, S Lopes, SM Almeida, FN Boscolo, EJ Whaites
Oral diseases 10 (6), 404-407, 2004
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