Reading diasporic engagements through the lens of citizenship: Turkey as a test case Z Yanasmayan, Z Kaşlı Political Geography 70, 24-33, 2019 | 52 | 2019 |
Under the Shadow of Civilizationist Populist Discourses: Political Debates on Refugees in Turkey Z Yanaşmayan, A Üstübİcİ, Z Kaşlı New Diversities, 2019 | 50 | 2019 |
Citizenship on paper or at heart? a closer look into the dual citizenship debate in Europe Z Yanasmayan Citizenship Studies 19 (6-7), 785-801, 2015 | 46 | 2015 |
The Migration of Highly Educated Turkish Citizens to Europe: From Guestworkers to Global Talent Z Yanasmayan Routledge, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Belief, Law and Politics: What Future for a Secular Europe? MC Foblets, K Alidadi, Z Yanasmayan Routledge, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Does education ‘trump’nationality? Boundary-drawing practices among highly educated migrants from Turkey Z Yanasmayan Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (11), 2041-2059, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
Political, Religious and Ethnic Radicalisation among Muslims in Belgium T Koutroubas, W Vloeberghs, Z Yanasmayan Ethno-Religious Conflict in Europe: Typologies of Radicalisation in Europe's …, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
The Judicial Politics of Burqa Bans in Belgium and Spain—Socio-Legal Field Dynamics and the Standardization of Justificatory Repertoires M Burchardt, Z Yanasmayan, M Koenig Law & Social Inquiry 44 (2), 333-358, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Language and integration requirements in Belgium: Discordances between the flemish policy of ‘inburgering’and the federal legislators’ view (s) on the integration of newcomers … MC Foblets, Z Yanasmayan A re-definition of belonging?: language and integration tests in Europe, 271-305, 2010 | 21 | 2010 |
Role of Turkish Islamic Organi-zations in Belgium: The Strategies of Diyanet and Milli Görüş Z YANAŞMAYAN Insight Turkey 12 (1), 2010 | 20 | 2010 |
Spatial and social im/mobility in forced migration: revisiting class C Hunkler, T Scharrer, M Suerbaum, Z Yanasmayan Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48 (20), 4829-4846, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
Further stay or return?: Insights from the highly educated Turkish migrants in Amsterdam, Barcelona and London Z Yanasmayan Migrant professionals in the city, 21-39, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |
New platforms for engagement: Private accommodation of forced migrants from Ukraine. DeZIM L Haller, T Uhr, S Etlar Frederiksen, R Rischke, Z Yanaşmayan, S Zajak insights Working Paper 5, Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations-und …, 2022 | 16* | 2022 |
Concepts of Multiculturalism and Assimilation Z Yanasmayan CEPS, 2011 | 15 | 2011 |
Country Report: Belgium MC Foblets, Z Yanasmayan, P Wautelet European University Institute, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |
The Failure of Popular Constitution Making in Turkey: Regressing Towards Constitutional Autocracy Z Yanasmayan Cambridge University Press, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
Exclusion and migration: by whom, where, when, and how? MC Foblets, L Leboeuf, Z Yanasmayan Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
Country Report: Belgium MC FOBLETS, Z YANASMAYAN | 11* | 2010 |
Die Rückkehr von Religion in die Öffentlichkeit: Zur Analyse von Grenzverschiebungen zwischen Religion und Politik am Beispiel Frankreichs und Italien A Hennig, M Minkenberg, Z Yanasmayan Das Narrativ von der Wiederkehr der Religion, 197-230, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
European Citizenship: A Tool for Integration Z Yanasmayan status: published, 2009 | 9* | 2009 |