Tan Chia Wanq
Tan Chia Wanq
在 student.upm.edu.my 的电子邮件经过验证
Prevalence, Virulence Genes and Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles of Salmonella Serovars from Retail Beef in Selangor, Malaysia
TY Thung, S Radu, NA Mahyudin, Y Rukayadi, Z Zakaria, N Mazlan, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 2697, 2018
Prevalence and antibiotic resistance patterns of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from different types of seafood in Selangor, Malaysia
CW Tan, Y Rukayadi, H Hasan, TY Thung, E Lee, WD Rollon, H Hara, ...
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 27 (6), 1602-1608, 2020
Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Isolated from Short Mackerels (Rastrelliger brachysoma) in Malaysia
CW Tan, TTH Malcolm, CH Kuan, TY Thung, WS Chang, YY Loo, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 1087, 2017
Use of a lytic bacteriophage to control Salmonella Enteritidis in retail food
TY Thung, JMKJK Premarathne, W San Chang, YY Loo, YZ Chin, ...
Lwt 78, 222-225, 2017
Comparison of the microbiological quality and safety between conventional and organic vegetables sold in Malaysia
CH Kuan, Y Rukayadi, SH Ahmad, CWJ Wan Mohamed Radzi, TY Thung, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 1433, 2017
Microbiological food safety in Malaysia from the academician’s perspective
CY New, A Ubong, J Premarathne, TY Thung, E Lee, WS Chang, YY Loo, ...
Food Research 1 (6), 183-202, 2017
Isolation and Characterization of Six Vibrio parahaemolyticus Lytic Bacteriophages From Seafood Samples
CW Tan, Y Rukayadi, H Hasan, NA Abdul-Mutalib, NN Jambari, H Hara, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 616548, 2021
Evaluation of a lytic bacteriophage for bio-control of Salmonella Typhimurium in different food matrices
TY Thung, E Lee, NA Mahyudin, K Anuradha, N Mazlan, CH Kuan, CF Pui, ...
Lwt 105, 211-214, 2019
Occurrence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in raw shellfish at retail markets in Malaysia and antibacterial efficacies of black seed (Nigella sativa) oil against …
BR Othman, CH Kuan, AS Mohammed, YK Cheah, CW Tan, CY New, ...
Food Control 90, 324-331, 2018
Partial characterization and in vitro evaluation of a lytic bacteriophage for biocontrol of Campylobacter jejuni in mutton and chicken meat
TY Thung, E Lee, NA Mahyudin, CWJ Wan Mohamed Radzi, N Mazlan, ...
Journal of Food Safety 40 (2), e12770, 2020
Antimicrobial resistance of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Enteritidis isolated from vegetable farms and retail markets in Malaysia
CH Kuan, Y Rukayadi, SH Ahmad, CWJWM Radzi, CS Kuan, SK Yeo, ...
International Food Research Journal 24 (4), 1831-1839, 2017
Bacteriophages and their applications
TY Thung, E Lee, J Premarathne, M Nurzafirah, CH Kuan, N Elexson, ...
Food Research 2 (5), 404-414, 2018
Preliminary quantitative microbial risk assessment of pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus in short mackerel in Malaysia
CW Tan, TTH Malcolm, JMKJK Premarathne, CY New, CH Kuan, ...
Microbial Risk Analysis 12, 11-19, 2019
Evaluation of bacteriological quality of locally produced raw and pasteurised milk in Selangor, Malaysia
Y Nordin, SY Kwan, WS Chang, YY Loo, CW Tan, SN Mohd Fadzil, ...
Occurrence and antibiotic resistance of Salmonella spp. in raw beef from wet market and hypermarket in Malaysia
CW Tan, MZN Hazirah, I Shu’aibu, CY New, TTH Malcolm, TY Thung, ...
Food Research 3 (1), 21-27, 2019
Prevalence and antibiotic profile of Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli and Escherichia coli O157: H7 in beef and buffalo
SY Kwan, WS Chang, YY Loo, Y Nordin, CW Tan, CH Kuan, CY New, ...
Use of a lytic bacteriophage to control Salmonella Enteritidis in retail food. LWT, 78: 222-225
TY Thung, P JMKJK, W San Chang, YY Loo, YZ Chin, CH Kuan, CW Tan, ...
A review of culture-dependent and molecular methods for detection of Salmonella in food safety
TY Thung, E Lee, GY Wai, CF Pui, CH Kuan, J Premarathne, M Nurzafirah, ...
Food Research 3 (6), 622-627, 2019
Efficacy of household washing pre-treatments and cooking methods for reduction of listeria monocytogenes in artificially contaminated chicken offal
CH Kuan, R Son, NA Mahyudin, JYH Tang, SK Yeo, CS Kuan, LS Chang, ...
Food Research 4 (1), 166-174, 2020
Antimicrobial resistance profile of salmonella present in organic farming in Selangor, Malaysia
TY Thung, N Mazlan, E Lee, CY New, CW Tan, R Son, KR Rinai, ...
Food Research 4 (6), 2176-2180, 2020
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