Learning from video modeling examples: Content kept equal, adults are more effective models than peers V Hoogerheide, M van Wermeskerken, SMM Loyens, T van Gog Learning and instruction 44, 22-30, 2016 | 138 | 2016 |
It’s all a matter of perspective: Viewing first-person video modeling examples promotes learning of an assembly task. L Fiorella, T Van Gog, V Hoogerheide, R Mayer Journal of Educational Psychology 109 (5), 653–665, 2017 | 137 | 2017 |
Gaining from explaining: Learning improves from explaining to fictitious others on video, not from writing to them V Hoogerheide, L Deijkers, SMM Loyens, A Heijltjes, T van Gog Contemporary Educational Psychology 44, 95-106, 2016 | 136 | 2016 |
Effects of creating video-based modeling examples on learning and transfer V Hoogerheide, SMM Loyens, T van Gog Learning and Instruction 33, 108-119, 2014 | 135 | 2014 |
Enhancing example-based learning: Teaching on video increases arousal and improves problem-solving performance V Hoogerheide, A Renkl, L Fiorella, F Paas, T Van Gog Journal of Educational Psychology 111 (11), 45–56, 2019 | 114 | 2019 |
The role of mental effort in fostering self-regulated learning with problem-solving tasks T van Gog, V Hoogerheide, M van Harsel Educational Psychology Review 32, 1055-1072, 2020 | 110 | 2020 |
Learning from video modeling examples: Does gender matter? V Hoogerheide, SMM Loyens, T van Gog Instructional Science 44, 69-86, 2016 | 107 | 2016 |
Synthesizing cognitive load and self-regulation theory: A theoretical framework and research agenda A De Bruijn, J Roelle, S Carpenter, M Baars, EFG-MRE Educational Psychology Review 32, 903–915, 2020 | 106 | 2020 |
Developments and trends in learning with instructional video BB de Koning, V Hoogerheide, JM Boucheix Computers in Human Behavior 89, 395–398, 2018 | 98 | 2018 |
Comparing the effects of worked examples and modeling examples on learning V Hoogerheide, SMM Loyens, T Van Gog Computers in Human Behavior 41, 80-91, 2014 | 92 | 2014 |
Generating an instructional video as homework activity is both effective and enjoyable V Hoogerheide, J Visee, A Lachner, T van Gog Learning and Instruction 64, 101226, 2019 | 75 | 2019 |
Testing after worked example study does not enhance delayed problem-solving performance compared to restudy T Van Gog, L Kester, K Dirkx, V Hoogerheide, J Boerboom, ... Educational Psychology Review 27, 265-289, 2015 | 74 | 2015 |
Timing matters! Explaining between study phases enhances students’ learning A Lachner, I Backfisch, V Hoogerheide, T Van Gog, A Renkl Journal of Educational Psychology 112 (4), 841–853, 2020 | 70 | 2020 |
Learning by writing explanations: Is explaining to a fictitious student more effective than self-explaining? A Lachner, L Jacob, V Hoogerheide Learning and Instruction 74, 101438, 2021 | 61 | 2021 |
Looking at mental effort appraisals through a metacognitive lens: Are they biased? K Scheiter, A Rakefet, V Hoogerheide Educational Psychology Review 32, 1003-1027, 2020 | 59 | 2020 |
Learning-by-Teaching Without Audience Presence or Interaction: When and Why Does it Work? A Lachner, V Hoogerheide, T van Gog, A Renkl Educational Psychology Review, 1-33, 2022 | 57 | 2022 |
Model-observer similarity and task-appropriateness in learning from video modeling examples: Do model and student gender affect test performance, self-efficacy, and perceived … V Hoogerheide, M van Wermeskerken, H van Nassau, T van Gog Computers in Human Behavior 89, 457-464, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Remembered utility of unpleasant and pleasant learning experiences: Is all well that ends well? V Hoogerheide, F Paas Applied Cognitive Psychology 26 (6), 887-894, 2012 | 54 | 2012 |
A quick and easy strategy to reduce test anxiety and enhance test performance MF Mavilidi, V Hoogerheide, F Paas Applied Cognitive Psychology 28 (5), 720-726, 2014 | 53 | 2014 |
Effects of different sequences of examples and problems on motivation and learning M van Harsel, V Hoogerheide, P Verkoeijen, T van Gog Contemporary Educational Psychology 58, 260-275, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |