Sonia Silvestri
Sonia Silvestri
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Tidal regime, salinity and salt marsh plant zonation
S Silvestri, A Defina, M Marani
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 62 (1-2), 119-130, 2005
Mapping salt-marsh vegetation by multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing
E Belluco, M Camuffo, S Ferrari, L Modenese, S Silvestri, A Marani, ...
Remote sensing of environment 105 (1), 54-67, 2006
Remote sensing retrieval of suspended sediment concentration in shallow waters
V Volpe, S Silvestri, M Marani
Remote sensing of Environment 115 (1), 44-54, 2011
Subsurface flow and vegetation patterns in tidal environments
N Ursino, S Silvestri, M Marani
Water Resources Research 40 (5), 2004
A method for the remote sensing identification of uncontrolled landfills: formulation and validation
S Silvestri, M Omri
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (4), 975-989, 2008
Hyperspectral remote sensing of salt marsh vegetation, morphology and soil topography
S Silvestri, M Marani, A Marani
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts a/B/C 28 (1-3), 15-25, 2003
Spatial variation of salt-marsh organic and inorganic deposition and organic carbon accumulation: Inferences from the Venice lagoon, Italy
M Roner, A D'Alpaos, M Ghinassi, M Marani, S Silvestri, E Franceschinis, ...
Advances in Water Resources 93, 276-287, 2016
Spatial organization and ecohydrological interactions in oxygen‐limited vegetation ecosystems
M Marani, S Silvestri, E Belluco, N Ursino, A Comerlati, O Tosatto, M Putti
Water resources research 42 (6), 2006
GIS, multi‐criteria and multi‐factor spatial analysis for the probability assessment of the existence of illegal landfills
G Biotto, S Silvestri, L Gobbo, E Furlan, S Valenti, R Rosselli
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 23 (10), 1233-1244, 2009
Surface water–groundwater exchange in transitional coastal environments by airborne electromagnetics: the Venice Lagoon example
A Viezzoli, L Tosi, P Teatini, S Silvestri
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (1), 2010
Tidal landforms, patterns of halophytic vegetation and the fate of the lagoon of Venice
M Marani, S Lanzoni, S Silvestri, A Rinaldo
Journal of Marine Systems 51 (1-4), 191-210, 2004
Salt‐marsh vegetation and morphology: Basic physiology, modelling and remote sensing observations
S Silvestri, M Marani
The ecogeomorphology of tidal marshes 59, 5-25, 2004
Peat land oxidation enhances subsidence in the Venice watershed
G Gambolati, M Putti, P Teatini, M Camporese, S Ferraris, GG Stori, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 86 (23), 217-220, 2005
Multiple stable states and catastrophic shifts in coastal wetlands: Progress, challenges, and opportunities in validating theory using remote sensing and other methods
KB Moffett, W Nardin, S Silvestri, C Wang, S Temmerman
Remote Sensing 7 (8), 10184-10226, 2015
Analysis, synthesis and modelling of high-resolution observations of salt-marsh eco-geomorphological patterns in the Venice lagoon
M Marani, E Belluco, S Ferrari, S Silvestri, A D'Alpaos, S Lanzoni, A Feola, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 69 (3-4), 414-426, 2006
Sediment dynamics in shallow tidal basins: In situ observations, satellite retrievals, and numerical modeling in the Venice Lagoon
L Carniello, S Silvestri, M Marani, A D'Alpaos, V Volpe, A Defina
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 119 (4), 802-815, 2014
Salt marsh vegetation radiometry: Data analysis and scaling
S Silvestri, M Marani, J Settle, F Benvenuto, A Marani
Remote Sensing of Environment 80 (3), 473-482, 2002
Coupled topographic and vegetation patterns in coastal dunes: Remote sensing observations and ecomorphodynamic implications
F Yousefi Lalimi, S Silvestri, LJ Moore, M Marani
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122 (1), 119-130, 2017
Understanding the hydrogeology of the Venice Lagoon subsurface with airborne electromagnetics
P Teatini, L Tosi, A Viezzoli, L Baradello, M Zecchin, S Silvestri
Journal of Hydrology 411 (3-4), 342-354, 2011
rasterdiv—An Information Theory tailored R package for measuring ecosystem heterogeneity from space: To the origin and back
D Rocchini, E Thouverai, M Marcantonio, M Iannacito, D Da Re, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12 (6), 1093-1102, 2021
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