david camocho
TRANSition to circular and sustainable economy through design
DJG Camocho
From cleaner production and value management to sustainable value
J Catarino, JJ Henriques, A Maia, J Alexandre, F Rodrigues, D Camocho
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 4 (02), 96-108, 2011
How to measure the value from a sustainable point of view
J Alexandre, A Maia, D Camocho, F Rodrigues, JJMS Henriques, ...
Value World, 2003
Product-Service Development for Circular Economy and Sustainability Course
C Rocha, D Camocho, J Sampaio, J Alexandre
LNEG—Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, IP: Amodora, Portugal, 2020
Manual valor sustentável
J Catarino, JJ Henriques, A Maia, J Alexandre, D Camocho, F Rodrigues
Publicação INETI, 2007
Circular and Sustainable Design: A systemic design model for the transition to a circular and sustainable economy
DG Camocho, J Vicente, AM Ferreira
DISCERN: International Journal of Design for Social Change, Sustainable …, 2020
The common-sense assessment of sustainability
D Camocho, J Vicente, AM Ferreira
Advances in Social and Occupational Ergonomics: Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 …, 2020
Circular economy-Tools for designers
D Camocho, J Vicente, AM Ferreira
DDC, 2019
Circular and sustainable products: From theory into practice
D Camocho, J Vicente, AM Ferreira
19th European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP …, 2019
Criar Valor Sustentável–Caso de Estudo MRodrigues
A Maia, F Rodrigues, J Catarino, JJMS Henriques, J Alexandre, ...
Indústria e Ambiente, nº55, Março/Abril 2009, p. 12-15, 12-15, 2009
Product-Service development for circular economy and sustainability course
A Afonso, AM Bundgaard, C Sousa Rocha, D Camocho, E Mulet, E Atin, ...
LNEG–Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, IP, 2020
Advances in Social and Occupational Ergonomics: Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Social and Occupational Ergonomics, July 24-28, 2019, Washington DC, USA
RHM Goossens, A Murata
Springer, 2019
Value analysis: an approach to sustainability
JJMS Henriques, J Catarino, J Alexandre, A Maia, F Rodrigues, ...
The 9th HKIVM International Conference, 2008
Product-Service development for circular economy and sustainability course
K Schmidt, A Bundgaard, S Hirsbak, C Rocha, D Camocho, J Alexandre, ...
LNEG—Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, IP Portugal, 2020
Education for zero waste and circular economy sector in Europe
P Glavic, A Szilagyi, I Karouti, A Kostoulas, O Hernaez, M Dolinsky, ...
2nd international conference on technologies & business models for circular …, 2020
Product-Service Development for
C Rocha, D Camocho, J Sampaio, J Alexandre
Meeting the circular economy agenda: supporting tools for a new strategic design practice
D Camocho, J Vicente, AM Ferreira
Convergências: Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes 12, 1-6, 2019
KATCH_e: Introducing circular economy into higher-education design curricula
I Celades, T Ros, C Rocha, D Camocho, K Schmidt, R Pamminger, ...
Proceedings of the 18th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and …, 2017
KATCH_e: Introducing Circular Economy into higher-education design curricula-Overview of the training needs, state of the art, trends and policies
I Celades, C Rocha, D Camocho, K Schmidt, R Pamminger, S Schmidt, ...
Proceedings of the 18th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and …, 2017
Design for Sustainability Tools: Categories of classification towards practical use
J Vicente, D Camocho
Human-Centered Design and User Experience 114, 41-49, 2023
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