Vanessa Lamb
Trading sand, undermining lives: Omitted livelihoods in the global trade in sand
V Lamb, M Marschke, J Rigg
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109 (5), 1511-1528, 2019
Gendered eviction, protest and recovery: a feminist political ecology engagement with land grabbing in rural Cambodia
V Lamb, L Schoenberger, C Middleton, B Un
The Journal of Peasant Studies 44 (6), 1215-1234, 2017
“Where is the border?” Villagers, environmental consultants and the ‘work’ of the Thai–Burma border
V Lamb
Political Geography 40, 1-12, 2014
Perceptions and Practices of Investment: China’s hydropower investments in mainland Southeast Asia
V Lamb, N Dao
Land grabbing, conflict and agrarian‐environmental transformations …, 2017
Who knows the river? Gender, expertise, and the politics of local ecological knowledge production of the Salween River, Thai-Myanmar border
V Lamb
Gender, Place & Culture 25 (12), 1703-1718, 2018
Pockets of liberal media in authoritarian regimes: what the crackdown on emancipatory spaces means for rural social movements in Cambodia
A Beban, L Schoenberger, V Lamb
The Journal of Peasant Studies 47 (1), 95-115, 2020
A Political Ecology of Sovereignty in Practice and on the Map: The Technicalities of Law, Participatory Mapping, and Environmental Governance
T McCreary, V Lamb
Leiden Journal of International Law 27 (3), 595-619, 2014
Nature Based Solutions for urban water management in Asian cities: integrating vulnerability into sustainable design
M Kooy, K Furlong, V Lamb
International Development Planning Review 42 (3), 381-390, 2020
Making Governance" Good": The Production of Scale in the Environmental Impact Assessment and Governance of the Salween River
V Lamb
Conservation and Society 12 (4), 386-397, 2014
Hydropower politics and conflict on the Salween River
C Middleton, A Scott, V Lamb
Knowing the Salween River: Resource politics of a contested transboundary …, 2019
Knowing the Salween River: Resource politics of a contested transboundary river
C Middleton, V Lamb
Springer Nature, 2019
Expanding transboundary environmental governance: A mobile political ecology of sand and shifting resource‐based livelihoods in Southeast Asia
V Lamb, Z Fung
Environmental Policy and Governance 32 (4), 281-291, 2022
Authoritarian rule shedding its populist skin: How loss of independent media in the 2017 crackdown shapes rural politics in Cambodia
L Schoenberger, A Beban, V Lamb
Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World, 1-23, 2018
Work and struggle of fishing livelihoods in the Delta: Development and ‘new’change along the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) River, Myanmar
S Radford, V Lamb
Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 2020
Access to Productive Agricultural Land by the Landless
V Lamb, C Middleton, R Leonard, N Dao
Land Poor and Smallholder Farmers in Four Lower Mekong River Basin Countries …, 2015
Dams, diversions, and development: Slow resistance and authoritarian rule in the Salween River Basin
Z Fung, V Lamb
Antipode 55 (6), 1662-1685, 2023
A state of knowledge of the Salween River: An overview of civil society research
V Lamb, C Middleton, SJ Bright, ST Phoe, NAA Myaing, NH Kham, ...
Knowing the Salween River: Resource politics of a contested transboundary …, 2019
Whose border? Border talk and discursive governance of the Salween river-border
V Lamb
Placing the border in everyday life, 117-135, 2014
The fence ‘didn’t work’: the mundane engagements and material practices of state-led development in China’s Danjiangkou Reservoir
V Lamb, S Rogers, M Wang
Territory, Politics, Governance 12 (2), 297-317, 2024
Hydrosocial practice in an urbanising floodplain: local management and dilemmas of beneficial flooding
V Lamb
International Development Planning Review 42 (3), 315-336, 2020
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