Water Movement Under Saturated And Unsaturated Flow In Coarse Textured Soils Under Baharia Oasis Conditions. M Tayel, M.Y. and Abdel Hady | 14* | 2005 |
Effects of drip irrigation circuit design and lateral line lengths: I—On pressure and friction loss M Tayel, D Lightfoot, H Mansour Agricultural Sciences 3 (3), 392-399, 2012 | 13 | 2012 |
Modification of water application uniformity among closed circuits trickle irrigation systems AM Mansour, H. A. G., Tayel, M. y., Abdel-Hady, M., Lightfoot, D. A. and El ... | 13* | 2010 |
Effect of bitumen mulch on the growth of garlic conditions. M Matyn, M.A., Tayel. M.Y., Wahba, S.A., and Abd El-Hady | 10* | 1990 |
Effect of drip irrigation circuit design and lateral line length on V- Water and Fertilizer Use Efficiency MYHAM Tayel | 8 | 2013 |
response of cotton crop to irrigation intervals and tillage treatment: 2- yield and water use efficiency HAM Tayel, M.Y., Sabreen, Kh. Pibars | 7* | 2014 |
Effect of type of conditioner and rate of application on aggregate stability, water retention and evaporation F Tayel, M.Y. and Anter | 6 | 1978 |
Impact of bubbler irrigation system discharges and irrigation water amounts on maize: 1-irrigation efficiency, growth, grain and biomass production. KP Tayel, M.Y., H. A. Mansour, and Sabreen | 4* | 2014 |
Effect of drip irrigation circuits design and lateral line length on: II-flow velocity and velocity head M Tayel, D Lightfoot, H Mansour Scientific Research Publishing, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Improving sandy soils using cellulose derivatives . II- Pore size distribution, soil water retention, soil hydraulic conductivity, and soil hydraulic resistivity. SA Tayel, M.Y., Ghazy, A., Abdel Aal, R.S. and Wanas | 4 | 2001 |
Optimizing process of soil conditioning OATMY El-Hady | 4 | 1981 |
Irrigation, mulching, and plant rows per dripline effect on broad bean plant. MA Tayel. M.Y., Wahba, S.A. and Matyn | 3 | 1993 |
Effect of hydrogel and irrigation frequency on yield and water use efficiency in the Coastal Northern part of Sinai MY Tayel | 2 | 2003 |
The effect of sprinkler irrigation schedule on the yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) grown in Salhea project S Tayel. M.Y., and Wahba | 2 | 1989 |
Irrigation water temperature. II – Its effect on micronutrients uptake. A Ibrahim, S.A., Tayel. M.Y. and Shehata | 2 | 1981 |
Soil conditioners and water loss via evaporation process. TMYAFM El-Hady, O.A. | 2 | 1981 |
Plant growth and water use efficiency as affected by soil moisture stress and Na:Ca;Mg ratio SA Tayel, M.Y., Abdalla, M.M., Shawky, M..E., and Mohamed | 2 | 1980 |
Effect of sewage sludge liming on its characteristics M Tayel, M.Y., Habib, F.M., and Abdel Hady | 1 | 2002 |
Evaluation of sprinkler irrigation system under El-Falouga area conditions. 1- Hydrophysical soil characteristics. MA Tayel, M.Y., Abdel Salam, A.A. and Abdel Hameed | 1 | 2001 |
Effect of irrigation treatments and plant rows per dripline on broad bean ( Vicia faba) plant. II – Evapotranspiration, crop coefficient, yield and water use efficiency. S Tayel. M.Y., Matyn, M. A. and Wahba | 1 | 1990 |