Yoshiaki Tsujimoto
Long-distance single photon transmission from a trapped ion via quantum frequency conversion
T Walker, K Miyanishi, R Ikuta, H Takahashi, S Vartabi Kashanian, ...
Physical review letters 120 (20), 203601, 2018
High-fidelity entanglement swapping and generation of three-qubit GHZ state using asynchronous telecom photon pair sources
Y Tsujimoto, M Tanaka, N Iwasaki, R Ikuta, S Miki, T Yamashita, H Terai, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1446, 2018
High visibility Hong-Ou-Mandel interference via a time-resolved coincidence measurement
Y Tsujimoto, Y Sugiura, M Tanaka, R Ikuta, S Miki, T Yamashita, H Terai, ...
Optics express 25 (11), 12069-12080, 2017
Ultra-fast Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry via temporal filtering
Y Tsujimoto, K Wakui, M Fujiwara, M Sasaki, M Takeoka
Optics Express 29 (23), 37150-37160, 2021
Optimal conditions for the Bell test using spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources
Y Tsujimoto, K Wakui, M Fujiwara, K Hayasaka, S Miki, H Terai, M Sasaki, ...
Physical Review A 98 (6), 063842, 2018
Heralded amplification of nonlocality via entanglement swapping
Y Tsujimoto, C You, K Wakui, M Fujiwara, K Hayasaka, S Miki, H Terai, ...
New Journal of Physics 22 (2), 023008, 2020
Ultra-high-rate nonclassical light source with 50 GHz-repetition-rate mode-locked pump pulses and multiplexed single-photon detectors
K Wakui, Y Tsujimoto, M Fujiwara, I Morohashi, T Kishimoto, F China, ...
Optics Express 28 (15), 22399-22411, 2020
Extracting an entangled photon pair from collectively decohered pairs at a telecommunication wavelength
Y Tsujimoto, Y Sugiura, M Ando, D Katsuse, R Ikuta, T Yamamoto, ...
Optics Express 23 (10), 13545-13553, 2015
Robust entanglement distribution via telecom fibre assisted by an asynchronous counter-propagating laser light
K Miyanishi, Y Tsujimoto, R Ikuta, S Miki, M Yabuno, T Yamashita, H Terai, ...
npj Quantum Information 6 (1), 44, 2020
Quantum state tomography of qudits via Hong-Ou-Mandel interference
Y Tsujimoto, R Ikuta, K Wakui, T Kobayashi, M Fujiwara
Physical Review Applied 19 (1), 014008, 2023
Quantum interference of pulsed time-bin entanglement generated from silicon ring resonator
T Ono, Y Tsujimoto, K Wakui, M Fujiwara
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1051, 2024
Modelocked Thermal Frequency Combs for Ultrashort Chaotic Quantum Optics
K Wakui, Y Tsujimoto, T Kishimoto, M Fujiwara, M Sasaki, A Hosaka, ...
Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2400026, 2024
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