Àlex Bravo Serrano
Àlex Bravo Serrano
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DisGeNET: a comprehensive platform integrating information on human disease-associated genes and variants
J Piñero, À Bravo, N Queralt-Rosinach, A Gutiérrez-Sacristán, J Deu-Pons, ...
Nucleic acids research, gkw943, 2016
DisGeNET: a discovery platform for the dynamical exploration of human diseases and their genes
J Piñero, N Queralt-Rosinach, A Bravo, J Deu-Pons, A Bauer-Mehren, ...
Database 2015, bav028, 2015
Extraction of relations between genes and diseases from text and large-scale data analysis: implications for translational research
À Bravo, J Piñero, N Queralt-Rosinach, M Rautschka, LI Furlong
BMC bioinformatics 16, 1-17, 2015
PsyGeNET: a knowledge platform on psychiatric disorders and their genes
A Gutiérrez-Sacristán, S Grosdidier, O Valverde, M Torrens, À Bravo, ...
Bioinformatics 31 (18), 3075-3077, 2015
Identifying temporal patterns in patient disease trajectories using dynamic time warping: A population-based study
A Giannoula, A Gutierrez-Sacristán, Á Bravo, F Sanz, LI Furlong
Scientific reports 8 (1), 4216, 2018
DisGeNET-RDF: harnessing the innovative power of the Semantic Web to explore the genetic basis of diseases
N Queralt-Rosinach, J Pinero, À Bravo, F Sanz, LI Furlong
Bioinformatics 32 (14), 2236-2238, 2016
A knowledge‐driven approach to extract disease‐related biomarkers from the literature
A Bravo, M Cases, N Queralt-Rosinach, F Sanz, LI Furlong
BioMed research international 2014 (1), 253128, 2014
Exploring brand-name drug mentions on Twitter for pharmacovigilance
P Carbonell, MA Mayer, À Bravo
Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans, 55-59, 2015
comoRbidity: an R package for the systematic analysis of disease comorbidities
A Gutierrez-Sacristan, A Bravo, A Giannoula, MA Mayer, F Sanz, ...
Bioinformatics 34 (18), 3228-3230, 2018
Cross-lingual semantic annotation of biomedical literature: experiments in Spanish and English
N Perez, P Accuosto, À Bravo, M Cuadros, E Martínez-Garcia, H Saggion, ...
Bioinformatics 36 (6), 1872-1880, 2020
Text mining and expert curation to develop a database on psychiatric diseases and their genes
A Gutiérrez-Sacristán, A Bravo, M Portero-Tresserra, O Valverde, ...
Database 2017, bax043, 2017
Lastus/taln+ inco@ cl-scisumm 2018-using regression and convolutions for cross-document semantic linking and summarization of scholarly literature
AGT AbuRa'ed, À Bravo Serrano, L Chiruzzo, H Saggion
Mayr P, Chandrasekaran MK, Jaidka K, editors. BIRNDL 2018. 3rd Joint …, 2018
Combining machine learning, crowdsourcing and expert knowledge to detect chemical-induced diseases in text
À Bravo, TS Li, AI Su, BM Good, LI Furlong
Database 2016, baw094, 2016
A crowdsourcing workflow for extracting chemical-induced disease relations from free text
TS Li, A Bravo, LI Furlong, BM Good, AI Su
Database 2016, baw051, 2016
Lastus/taln at semeval-2019 task 6: Identification and categorization of offensive language in social media with attention-based bi-lstm model
LSM Altın, ÀB Serrano, H Saggion
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 672-677, 2019
Cost-Effectiveness of robotic vs. Laparoscopic surgery for different surgical procedures: protocol for a prospective, multicentric study (ROBOCOSTES)
B Ielpo, M Podda, F Burdio, P Sanchez-Velazquez, MA Guerrero, J Nuñez, ...
Frontiers in Surgery 9, 866041, 2022
PDFdigest: an adaptable layout-aware PDF-to-XML textual content extractor for scientific articles
D Ferrés, H Saggion, F Ronzano, À Bravo
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Lastus/taln@ clscisumm-17: Cross-document sentence matching and scientific text summarization systems
AGT AbuRa'ed, L Chiruzzo, H Saggion, P Accuosto, À Bravo Serrano
Automatic related work section generation: experiments in scientific document abstracting
A AbuRa’ed, H Saggion, A Shvets, À Bravo
Scientometrics 125, 3159-3185, 2020
LaSTUS/TALN at TRAC-2020 Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying.
LSM Altin, À Bravo Serrano, H Saggion
Kumar R, Ojha AK, Lahiri B, Zampieri M, Malmasi S, Murdock V, Kadar D (eds …, 2020
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