Dejan Markovic
Dejan Markovic
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCLA
在 ee.ucla.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Ultralow-power design in near-threshold region
D Markovic, CC Wang, LP Alarcon, TT Liu, JM Rabaey
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (2), 237-252, 2010
SRAM leakage suppression by minimizing standby supply voltage
H Qin, Y Cao, D Markovic, A Vladimirescu, J Rabaey
International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems. Proceedings, SCS …, 2004
Methods for true energy-performance optimization
D Markovic, V Stojanovic, B Nikolic, MA Horowitz, RW Brodersen
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 39 (8), 1282-1293, 2004
Factors related to treatment and outcomes of avulsed teeth
B Petrovic, D Marković, T Peric, D Blagojevic
Dental Traumatology 26 (1), 52-59, 2010
Digital system clocking: high-performance and low-power aspects
VG Oklobdzija, VM Stojanovic, DM Markovic, NM Nedovic
John Wiley & Sons, 2003
Digital PWM control: application in voltage regulation modules
AM Wu, J Xiao, D Markovic, SR Sanders
30th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference. Record.(Cat. No …, 1999
Demonstration of integrated micro-electro-mechanical relay circuits for VLSI applications
M Spencer, F Chen, CC Wang, R Nathanael, H Fariborzi, A Gupta, H Kam, ...
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 46 (1), 308-320, 2010
Analysis and design of low-energy flip-flops
D Markovic, B Nikolic, R Brodersen
Proceedings of the 2001 international symposium on Low power electronics and …, 2001
A high dynamic-range neural recording chopper amplifier for simultaneous neural recording and stimulation
H Chandrakumar, D Marković
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 52 (3), 645-656, 2017
Integrated circuit design with NEM relays
F Chen, H Kam, D Markovic, TJK Liu, V Stojanovic, E Alon
2008 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 750-757, 2008
Spike sorting: The first step in decoding the brain: The first step in decoding the brain
S Gibson, JW Judy, D Marković
IEEE Signal processing magazine 29 (1), 124-143, 2011
An 80-mVpp Linear-Input Range, 1.6- Input Impedance, Low-Power Chopper Amplifier for Closed-Loop Neural Recording That Is Tolerant to 650-mVpp …
H Chandrakumar, D Marković
IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 52 (11), 2811-2828, 2017
Power and area minimization of reconfigurable FFT processors: A 3GPP-LTE example
CH Yang, TH Yu, D Markovic
IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 47 (3), 757-768, 2011
A design environment for high-throughput low-power dedicated signal processing systems
WR Davis, N Zhang, K Camera, D Markovic, T Smilkstein, MJ Ammer, ...
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 37 (3), 420-431, 2002
Evaluation of three pulpotomy medicaments in primary teeth
D Markovic, V Zivojinovic, M Vucetic
European journal of paediatric dentistry 6 (3), 133, 2005
Methods for true power minimization
RW Brodersen, MA Horowitz, D Markovic, B Nikolic, V Stojanovic
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided …, 2002
A±50-mV linear-input-range VCO-based neural-recording front-end with digital nonlinearity correction
W Jiang, V Hokhikyan, H Chandrakumar, V Karkare, D Marković
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 52 (1), 173-184, 2016
Comparison of spike-sorting algorithms for future hardware implementation
S Gibson, JW Judy, D Markovic
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008
Technology-aware algorithm design for neural spike detection, feature extraction, and dimensionality reduction
S Gibson, JW Judy, D Markovic
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 18 (5 …, 2010
Fluoride content and recharge ability of five glassionomer dental materials
DL Markovic, BB Petrovic, TO Peric
BMC Oral health 8, 1-8, 2008
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