Sättar Ezzati
Recovery of soil bulk density, porosity and rutting from ground skidding over a 20-year period after timber harvesting in Iran
S Ezzati, A Najafi, MA Rab, EK Zenner
Silva Fennica 46 (4), 521-538, 2012
An optimization model to solve skidding problem in steep slope terrain
S Ezzati, A Najafi, M Yaghini, AA Hashemi, P Bettinger
Journal of Forest Economics 21 (4), 250-268, 2015
Impact of animal logging on soil physical properties in mule trail in Hyrcanian forests
S Ezzati, A Najafi, T Durston
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 16 (4), 316-320, 2011
Long‐Term Impact Evaluation of Ground‐Base Skidding on Residual Damaged Trees in the Hyrcanian Forest, Iran
S Ezzati, A Najafi
International Journal of Forestry Research 2010 (1), 183735, 2010
Finding feasible harvest zones in mountainous areas using integrated spatial multi-criteria decision analysis
S Ezzati, A Najafi, P Bettinger
Land Use Policy 59, 478-491, 2016
Assessment of ground-based skidding impacts on the horizontally rate and extent of soil disturbance along the margin of the skid trail
A Solgi, A Najafi, S Ezzati, M Ferencik
Annals of forest science 73, 513-522, 2016
Long-term assessment of soil physicochemical properties and seedlings establishment after skidding operations in mountainous mixed hardwoods
F Tavankar, M Nikooy, S Ezzati, M Jourgholami, F Latterini, R Venanzi, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 141 (4), 571-585, 2022
The impact of weather and slope conditions on the productivity, cost, and GHG emissions of a ground-based harvesting operation in mountain hardwoods
S Ezzati, F Tavankar, MR Ghaffariyan, R Venanzi, F Latterini, R Picchio
Forests 12 (12), 1612, 2021
Skidding machines allocation (SMA) using fuzzy set theory
I Ghajar, A Najafi, S Ezzati
Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application …, 2010
Comparison of regeneration and biodiversity of trees on cut and fill edges of forest road (case study: chamestan and lavige forests, noor)
A Najafi, SM Hossieni, S Ezzati, M Torabi, MA Fakhari
Journal of wood and forest science and technology 17 (4), 139-152, 2010
Assessment of wound recovery and radial growth 10 years after forest operations in hardwood stands
F Tavankar, S Ezzati, F Latterini, A Lo Monaco, R Venanzi, R Picchio
Forests 13 (9), 1393, 2022
Compilation of GIS and environmental techniques in primary forest road locating [In Persian]
S Ezzati, A Najafi
Tehran. Iran. GIS Conference 10, 2009
Geospatial multi-criteria decision analysis for forest operational planning.
S Ezzati
Spatial Modeling in GIS and R for Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
A two-stage DSS to evaluate optimal locations for bioenergy facilities
S Van Holsbeeck, S Ezzati, D Röser, M Brown
Forests 11 (9), 968, 2020
Presentation of management solutions for firefighting, using the decision support system at Northern Zagros forests (Case study: Marivan forests)
A Miraki, M, Akbarinia, M, Ghazanfari,H, Ezzati, S.Heidary
Iranian Journal of Forest and Popular Research, 2013
Spatially explicit modeling of disease surveillance in mixed oak-hardwood forests based on machine-learning algorithms
S Ezzati, EK Zenner, M Pakdaman, MH Naseri, M Nikjoui, S Ahmadi
Journal of Environmental Management 337, 117714, 2023
An integrated multi-criteria decision analysis and optimization modeling approach to spatially operational road repair decisions
S Ezzati, CD Palma, P Bettinger, LO Eriksson, A Awasthi
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51 (3), 465-483, 2021
Soil bulk density, porosity and penetration resistance recovery following timber harvest cessation on abandoned skid trails after 20 years, kheyroud forest
H Sohrabi, M Jourgholami, B Majnounian, AG Zahedi, S Ezzati
Iranian journal of forest and poplar research 23 (3), 536-548, 2015
Evaluate and develop an existing forest road network base on environmental factors
S Ezzati, KM Sammani, A Najafi, H Hasangholipour
Forestry 17 (2), 42, 2011
Impacts of twenty years ground-base skidding on physical and hydrological soil properties
S Ezzati, A Najafi
JWSS-Isfahan University of Technology 16 (61), 261-272, 2012
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