Nor Azila Mohd Noor
Nor Azila Mohd Noor
Professor in Marketing. School of Business Management, Universiti Utara
在 uum.edu.my 的电子邮件经过验证
The relationship between service quality, corporate image, and customer loyalty of Generation Y: An application of SOR paradigm in the context of superstores in Bangladesh
MMD Alam, NAM Noor
Sage Open 10 (2), 2158244020924405, 2020
Creating green consumers: how environmental knowledge and environmental attitude lead to green purchase behaviour?
NAM Noor, A Muhammad, A Kassim, CZM Jamil, N Mat, N Mat, HS Salleh
International Journal of Arts & Sciences 5 (1), 55, 2012
E-service quality, ease of use, usability and enjoyment as antecedents of e-CRM performance: an empirical investigation in Jordan mobile phone services
K Al-Momani, NA Mohd Noor
The Asian Journal of Technology Management 2 (2), 50-64, 2009
The relationship between e-service quality and ease of use on customer relationship management (CRM) performance: an empirical investigation in Jordan mobile phone services
S Wahab, K Al-Momani, NAM Noor
The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 15 (1), 1-15, 2010
Electronic Customer Relationship Management Performance: Its Impact on Loyalty From Customers' Perspe-ctives
N Azila, M NoorNeeraj
International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e …, 2011
The relationship between service quality and satisfaction on customer loyalty in Malaysian mobile communication industry
SSM Mokhtar, AA Maiyaki, NM Noor
School of doctoral studies (European union) journal 2 (3), 32-38, 2011
ECO friendly ‘activities’ VS ECO friendly ‘attitude’: Travelers intention to choose green hotels in Malaysia
NAM Noor, D Kumar
World Applied Sciences Journal 30 (4), 506-513, 2014
What affects Malaysian consumers’ intention to purchase hybrid car?
CW Teoh, NA Mohd Noor
Asian Social Science 11 (26), 11-26, 2015
Trust and commitment: do they influence e-customer relationship performance?
NAM Noor
International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies 3 (2), 281-296, 2012
The mediating role of market orientation on entrepreneurial orientation, absorptive capacity and technological innovation capabilities
AQRA Aljanabi, NA Mohd Noor
Asian Social Science 11 (5), 219-234, 2015
Consumer attitudes toward dietary supplements consumption: Implications for pharmaceutical marketing
N Azila Mohd Noor, SF Yap, KH Liew, E Rajah
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 8 (1), 6-26, 2014
Individual factors that predict customer-orientation behaviour of Malaysian life insurance agents
NA Mohd Noor, A Muhamad
Jurnal Pengurusan 24, 125-149, 2005
Exploring tourists intention to stay at green hotel: The influences of environmental attitudes and hotel attributes
NA Mohd Noor, H Hasan, D Kumar M
The Macrotheme Review 3 (7), 22-33, 2014
Evaluating the effect of cost related factors on relationship quality: An investigation of retailer‐supplier relationship in Bangladesh
M Tareque Aziz, N Azila Mohd Noor
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 41 (7), 545-558, 2013
The mediating role of absorptive capacity in its effect on organizational support factors and technological innovation
AQ Rahomee, D Kumar
Information Management and Business Review 6 (1), 25-41, 2014
Predictors of travel motivations: the case of domestic tourists to island destinations in northwest of Malaysia
A Kasim, H Dzakiria, C Park, NAM Nor, MF Mokhtar, JRRR Rashid Radha
Anatolia 24 (2), 188-205, 2013
The influence of perceived privacy on customer loyalty in mobile phone services: An Empirical Research in Jordan
S Wahab, ASM Zahari, K Al Momani, NAM Nor
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 8 (2), 45, 2011
Technology trust and e-banking adoption: the mediating effect of customer relationship management performance
S Wahab, NA Mohd Noor, J Ali
The Asian Journal of Technology Management 2 (2), 40-49, 2009
Consumer-behavioural intention towards the consumption of functional food in Malaysia: Their profiles and behaviours
HS Salleh
International Business & Economics Research Journal (ERA), 2015
Do mobile health (mHealth) services ensure the quality of health life? An integrated approach from a developing country context
MZ Alam, MMD Alam, MA Uddin, NA Mohd Noor
Journal of Marketing Communications 28 (2), 152-182, 2022
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