Rodrigo Toro Icarte
Using reward machines for high-level task specification and decomposition in reinforcement learning
R Toro Icarte, T Klassen, R Valenzano, S McIlraith
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2112-2121, 2018
LTL and Beyond: Formal Languages for Reward Function Specification in Reinforcement Learning
A Camacho, R Toro Icarte, TQ Klassen, R Valenzano, SA McIlraith
Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2019
Reward Machines: Exploiting Reward Function Structure in Reinforcement Learning
R Toro Icarte, TQ Klassen, R Valenzano, SA McIlraith
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.03950, 2020
Learning Reward Machines for Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning
R Toro Icarte, E Waldie, T Klassen, R Valenzano, M Castro, S McIlraith
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 15497-15508, 2019
Teaching multiple tasks to an RL agent using LTL
R Toro Icarte, TQ Klassen, R Valenzano, SA McIlraith
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2018
Symbolic Plans as High-Level Instructions for Reinforcement Learning
L Illanes, X Yan, R Toro Icarte, SA McIlraith
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2020
LTL2Action: Generalizing LTL Instructions for Multi-Task RL
P Vaezipoor, A Li, R Toro Icarte, S McIlraith
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.06858, 2021
Advice-based exploration in model-based reinforcement learning
R Toro Icarte, TQ Klassen, RA Valenzano, SA McIlraith
Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 72-83, 2018
Training Binarized Neural Networks using MIP and CP
R Toro Icarte, L Illanes, MP Castro, AA Cire, SA McIlraith, JC Beck
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Principles and Practice …, 2019
How a general-purpose commonsense ontology can improve performance of learning-based image retrieval
R Toro Icarte, JA Baier, C Ruz, A Soto
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.08844, 2017
Interpretable Sequence Classification via Discrete Optimization
M Shvo, AC Li, R Toro Icarte, SA McIlraith
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.02819, 2020
Be considerate: Avoiding negative side effects in reinforcement learning
P Alizadeh Alamdari, TQ Klassen, R Toro Icarte, SA McIlraith
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2022
Symbolic Planning and Model-Free Reinforcement Learning: Training Taskable Agents
L Illanes, X Yan, R Toro Icarte, SA McIlraith
Proceedings of the 4th Multi-disciplinary Conference on Reinforcement …, 2019
Solving task scheduling problems in dew computing via deep reinforcement learning
P Sanabria, TF Tapia, R Toro Icarte, A Neyem
Applied Sciences 12 (14), 7137, 2022
Noisy symbolic abstractions for deep RL: A case study with reward machines
AC Li, Z Chen, P Vaezipoor, TQ Klassen, RT Icarte, SA McIlraith
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.10902, 2022
The act of remembering: a study in partially observable reinforcement learning
R Toro Icarte, R Valenzano, TQ Klassen, P Christoffersen, A Farahmand, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01753, 2020
AppBuddy: Learning to Accomplish Tasks in Mobile Apps via Reinforcement Learning.
M Shvo, Z Hu, RT Icarte, I Mohomed, AD Jepson, SA McIlraith
Canadian AI, 2021
Using Advice in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
R Toro Icarte, TQ Klassen, R Valenzano, SA McIlraith
The 3rd Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision …, 2017
Reward Machines
RAT Icarte
University of Toronto (Canada), 2022
Searching for Markovian Subproblems to Address Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning
R Toro Icarte, E Waldie, TQ Klassen, R Valenzano, MP Castro, ...
Proceedings of the 4th Multi-disciplinary Conference on Reinforcement …, 2019
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