Rune Wilkens
Rune Wilkens
Assoc. Professor, PhD, University og Copenhagen - Bispebjerg Hospital. Digestive Disease Center
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Expert consensus on optimal acquisition and development of the International Bowel Ultrasound Segmental Activity Score [IBUS-SAS]: a reliability and inter-rater variability …
KL Novak, K Nylund, C Maaser, F Petersen, T Kucharzik, C Lu, M Allocca, ...
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 15 (4), 609-616, 2021
Validity of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography and dynamic contrast-enhanced MR enterography in the assessment of transmural activity and fibrosis in Crohn′ s disease
R Wilkens, RH Hagemann-Madsen, DA Peters, AH Nielsen, CB Nørager, ...
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 12 (1), 48-56, 2018
Quantitative contrast-enhanced ultrasound parameters in Crohn disease: their role in disease activity determination with ultrasound
A Medellin-Kowalewski, R Wilkens, A Wilson, J Ruan, SR Wilson
American Journal of Roentgenology 206 (1), 64-73, 2016
Defining transabdominal intestinal ultrasound treatment response and remission in inflammatory bowel disease: systematic review and expert consensus statement
JFKF Ilvemark, T Hansen, TM Goodsall, JB Seidelin, H Al-Farhan, ...
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 16 (4), 554-580, 2022
A reliability study: strong inter-observer agreement of an expert panel for intestinal ultrasound in ulcerative colitis
F De Voogd, R Wilkens, K Gecse, M Allocca, K Novak, C Lu, G D’Haens, ...
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 15 (8), 1284-1290, 2021
ECCO-ESGAR topical review on optimizing reporting for cross-sectional imaging in inflammatory bowel disease
T Kucharzik, J Tielbeek, D Carter, SA Taylor, D Tolan, R Wilkens, ...
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 16 (4), 523-543, 2022
Standardisation of intestinal ultrasound scoring in clinical trials for luminal Crohn’s disease
TM Goodsall, V Jairath, BG Feagan, CE Parker, TM Nguyen, L Guizzetti, ...
Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 53 (8), 873-886, 2021
Early ultrasound response and progressive transmural remission after treatment with ustekinumab in Crohn’s disease
T Kucharzik, R Wilkens, MA D’agostino, G Maconi, M Le Bars, M Lahaye, ...
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 21 (1), 153-163. e12, 2023
Relevance of monitoring transmural disease activity in patients with Crohn’s disease: current status and future perspectives
R Wilkens, KL Novak, C Maaser, R Panaccione, T Kucharzik
Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology 14, 17562848211006672, 2021
Early intestinal ultrasound predicts intravenous corticosteroid response in hospitalised patients with severe ulcerative colitis
JFKF Ilvemark, R Wilkens, P Thielsen, A Dige, T Boysen, J Brynskov, ...
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 16 (11), 1725-1734, 2022
Impact of intestinal ultrasound on classification and management of Crohn’s disease patients with inconclusive colonoscopy
R Wilkens, KL Novak, E Lebeuf-Taylor, SR Wilson
Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016 (1), 8745972, 2016
Point-of-care testing and home testing: pragmatic considerations for widespread incorporation of stool tests, serum tests, and intestinal ultrasound
R Wilkens, M Dolinger, J Burisch, C Maaser
Gastroenterology 162 (5), 1476-1492, 2022
Intestinal ultrasound response and transmural healing after ustekinumab induction in Crohn’s disease: Week 16 interim analysis of the STARDUST trial substudy
T Kucharzik, R Wilkens, G Maconi, M Agostino, M Le Bars, M Nazar, ...
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 58 (05), P04, 2020
The role of bowel ultrasound in detecting subclinical inflammation in pregnant women with Crohn’s disease
Y Leung, HH Shim, R Wilkens, D Tanyingoh, EE Afshar, N Sharifi, ...
Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology 2 (4), 153-160, 2019
Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance enterography and dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in Crohn’s disease: an observational comparison study
R Wilkens, DA Peters, AH Nielsen, VP Hovgaard, H Glerup, K Krogh
Ultrasound international open 3 (01), E13-E24, 2017
Peliosis hepatis: a complicating finding in a case of biliary colic
L Grønlykke, B Tarp, SH Dutoit, R Wilkens
Case Reports 2013, bcr2013200539, 2013
The knowledge and skills needed to perform intestinal ultrasound for inflammatory bowel diseases—an international Delphi consensus survey
GR Madsen, R Wilkens, T Boysen, J Burisch, R Bryant, D Carter, K Gecse, ...
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 56 (2), 263-270, 2022
Intestinal ultrasound response and transmural healing after 48 weeks of treatment with ustekinumab in Crohn’s disease: STARDUST trial substudy
T Kucharzik, R Wilkens, G Maconi, MA D'Agostino, M Le Bars, M Lahaye
United Eur Gastroenterol J 8 (10), 1258-75, 2020
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound of the Bowel in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
R Wilkens, P Pournazari, SR Wilson
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound, 222-236, 2013
Bowel stiffness associated with histopathologic scoring of stenosis in patients with Crohn's disease
J Zhao, D Liao, R Wilkens, K Krogh, H Glerup, H Gregersen
Acta Biomaterialia 130, 332-342, 2021
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