Milan Maksimovic
Milan Maksimovic
Directeur de Recherche du CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, LESIA
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The solar orbiter mission-science overview
D Müller, OCS Cyr, I Zouganelis, HR Gilbert, R Marsden, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A1, 2020
The FIELDS instrument suite for Solar Probe Plus: measuring the coronal plasma and magnetic field, plasma waves and turbulence, and radio signatures of solar transients
SD Bale, K Goetz, PR Harvey, P Turin, JW Bonnell, T Dudok de Wit, ...
Space science reviews 204, 49-82, 2016
Solar wind electrons alphas and protons (SWEAP) investigation: Design of the solar wind and coronal plasma instrument suite for solar probe plus
JC Kasper, R Abiad, G Austin, M Balat-Pichelin, SD Bale, JW Belcher, ...
Space Science Reviews 204, 131-186, 2016
Highly structured slow solar wind emerging from an equatorial coronal hole
SD Bale, ST Badman, JW Bonnell, TA Bowen, D Burgess, AW Case, ...
Nature 576 (7786), 237-242, 2019
A kinetic model of the solar wind with Kappa distribution functions in the corona.
M Maksimovic, V Pierrard, JF Lemaire
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 324, p. 725-734 324, 725-734, 1997
Ulysses electron distributions fitted with Kappa functions
M Maksimovic, V Pierrard, P Riley
Geophysical research letters 24 (9), 1151-1154, 1997
S/WAVES: The radio and plasma wave investigation on the STEREO mission
JL Bougeret, K Goetz, ML Kaiser, SD Bale, PJ Kellogg, M Maksimovic, ...
Space Science Reviews 136, 487-528, 2008
Alfvénic velocity spikes and rotational flows in the near-Sun solar wind
JC Kasper, SD Bale, JW Belcher, M Berthomier, AW Case, ...
Nature 576 (7786), 228-231, 2019
Radial evolution of the electron distribution functions in the fast solar wind between 0.3 and 1.5 AU
M Maksimovic, I Zouganelis, JY Chaufray, K Issautier, EE Scime, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 110 (A9), 2005
Discovery of very large amplitude whistler‐mode waves in Earth's radiation belts
C Cattell, JR Wygant, K Goetz, K Kersten, PJ Kellogg, T Von Rosenvinge, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (1), 2008
Electron temperature anisotropy constraints in the solar wind
Š Štverák, P Trávníček, M Maksimovic, E Marsch, AN Fazakerley, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113 (A3), 2008
The ISL Langmuir probe experiment processing onboard DEMETER: Scientific objectives, description and first results
JP Lebreton, S Stverak, P Travnicek, M Maksimovic, D Klinge, S Merikallio, ...
Planetary and Space Science 54 (5), 472-486, 2006
Radial evolution of nonthermal electron populations in the low‐latitude solar wind: Helios, Cluster, and Ulysses Observations
Š Štverák, M Maksimovic, PM Trávníček, E Marsch, AN Fazakerley, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114 (A5), 2009
First results obtained by the Cluster STAFF experiment
N Cornilleau-Wehrlin, G Chanteur, S Perraut, L Rezeau, P Robert, A Roux, ...
Annales Geophysicae 21 (2), 437-456, 2003
Evolution of the solar wind proton temperature anisotropy from 0.3 to 2.5 AU
L Matteini, S Landi, P Hellinger, F Pantellini, M Maksimovic, M Velli, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (20), 2007
Solar wind turbulent spectrum at plasma kinetic scales
O Alexandrova, C Lacombe, A Mangeney, R Grappin, M Maksimovic
The Astrophysical Journal 760 (2), 121, 2012
Electron velocity distribution functions from the solar wind to the corona
V Pierrard, M Maksimovic, J Lemaire
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A8), 17021-17032, 1999
The solar orbiter solar wind analyser (SWA) suite
CJ Owen, R Bruno, S Livi, P Louarn, K Al Janabi, F Allegrini, C Amoros, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A16, 2020
The solar orbiter magnetometer
TS Horbury, H O’brien, IC Blazquez, M Bendyk, P Brown, R Hudson, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A9, 2020
Parker Solar Probe Enters the Magnetically Dominated Solar Corona
JC Kasper, KG Klein, E Lichko, J Huang, CHK Chen, ST Badman, ...
Physical review letters 127 (25), 255101, 2021
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