Jessa M. Davidson
Jessa M. Davidson
其他姓名Jessa M. Buchman-Pearle
在 uwaterloo.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Defining the lumbar and trunk-thigh neutral zone from the passive stiffness curve: application to hybrid sit-stand postures and chair design
JM Buchman-Pearle, KM Gruevski, KM Gallagher, JM Barrett, ...
Ergonomics 66 (3), 338-349, 2023
Joint fatigue-failure: a demonstration of viscoelastic responses to rate and frequency loading parameters using the porcine cervical spine
JD Zehr, JM Buchman-Pearle, JP Callaghan
Journal of Biomechanics 113, 110081, 2020
Estimating soft tissue artifact of the thigh in high knee flexion tasks using optical motion Capture: Implications for marker cluster placement
JM Buchman-Pearle, SM Acker
Journal of Biomechanics 127, 110659, 2021
Moving toward individual-specific automotive seat design: how individual characteristics and time alter the selected lumbar support prominence
JM Buchman-Pearle, KM Fewster, BL Pinto, JP Callaghan
Human factors 65 (7), 1394-1406, 2023
Reconstructing an accelerometer-based pelvis segment for three-dimensional kinematic analyses during laboratory simulated tasks with obstructed line-of-sight
JD Zehr, LM Tennant, JM Buchman-Pearle, JP Callaghan
Journal of Biomechanics 123, 110512, 2021
Quantifying high flexion postures in occupational childcare as they relate to the potential for increased risk of knee osteoarthritis
AF Laudanski, JM Buchman-Pearle, SM Acker
Ergonomics 65 (2), 253-264, 2022
Lower limb movement pattern differences between males and females in squatting and kneeling
JM Buchman-Pearle, DC Kingston, SM Acker
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 37 (3), 204-214, 2021
Does sitting on a stability ball increase fall risk during ergonomic reaching tasks?
JM Buchman-Pearle, T Karakolis, JP Callaghan
Applied Ergonomics 102, 103721, 2022
Quantifying high knee flexion exposures in occupational childcare to assess the potential for increased risk of knee osteoarthritis
AF Laudanski, J Buchman-Pearle, SM Acker
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 27, S134-S135, 2019
Lower limb postures resembling sitting and standing alter lumbar angles along the passive stiffness curve
JM Buchman-Pearle, BL Pinto, JM Barrett, EM Nenadov, JP Callaghan
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 69, 102752, 2023
Can Anthropometry be Used to Dictate Participant-Specific Thigh Marker Placements Which Minimize Error in Hip Joint Center Estimation?
JM Buchman-Pearle, SM Acker
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 38 (4), 246-254, 2022
Regulating Movement Frequency and Speed: Implications for Lumbar Spine Load Management Strategies Demonstrated Using an In Vitro Porcine Model
JD Zehr, JM Buchman-Pearle, TAC Beach, CE Gooyers, JP Callaghan
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 37 (6), 538-546, 2021
Considering Temporal Movement Factors In Lumbar Spine Load Management Plans: 478
JD Zehr, JM Buchman-Pearle, TAC Beach, CE Gooyers, JP Callaghan
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 53 (8S), 157, 2021
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