FACTOR: A computer program to fit the exploratory factor analysis model U Lorenzo-Seva, PJ Ferrando Behavior research methods 38 (1), 88-91, 2006 | 1903 | 2006 |
El análisis factorial como técnica de investigación en psicología PJ Ferrando, C Anguiano-Carrasco Papeles del psicólogo 31 (1), 18-33, 2010 | 1902 | 2010 |
FACTOR 9.2: A comprehensive program for fitting exploratory and semiconfirmatory factor analysis and IRT models U Lorenzo-Seva, PJ Ferrando Applied psychological measurement 37 (6), 497-498, 2013 | 707 | 2013 |
Program FACTOR at 10: Origins, development and future directions PJ Ferrando, U Lorenzo-Seva Psicothema 29 (2), 236-240, 2017 | 631 | 2017 |
Assessing the quality and appropriateness of factor solutions and factor score estimates in exploratory item factor analysis PJ Ferrando, U Lorenzo-Seva Educational and psychological measurement 78 (5), 762-780, 2018 | 620 | 2018 |
Propiedades psicométricas del test de optimismo Life Orientation Test PJ Ferrando, E Chico, JM Tous Psicothema 14 (3), 673-680, 2002 | 388 | 2002 |
Exploratory item factor analysis: Additional considerations PJ Ferrando, U Lorenzo-Seva Anales de psicología 30 (3), 1170-1175, 2014 | 370* | 2014 |
Adaptación y análisis psicométrico de la escala de deseabilidad social de Marlowe y Crowne PJ Ferrando, E Chico Psicothema 12 (3), 383-389, 2000 | 292 | 2000 |
Robust Promin: a method for diagonally weighted factor rotation U Lorenzo-Seva, PJ Ferrando LIBERABIT. Revista Peruana de Psicología 25 (1), 99-106, 2019 | 284 | 2019 |
Decalogue for the factor analysis of test items PJ Ferrando, U Lorenzo-Seva, A Hernández-Dorado, J Muñiz Psicothema 34 (1), 7, 2022 | 222* | 2022 |
Unrestricted versus restricted factor analysis of multidimensional test items: Some aspects of the problem and some suggestions PJ Ferrando, UL Seva Psicológica 21 (2), 301-323, 2000 | 148 | 2000 |
Uso del Análisis Factorial Exploratorio en RIDEP. Recomendaciones para Autores y Revisores RD Ledesma, PJ Ferrando, JD Tosi Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación Psicológica. RIDEP 3 (52 …, 2019 | 143 | 2019 |
Two SPSS programs for interpreting multiple regression results U Lorenzo-Seva, PJ Ferrando, E Chico Behavior research methods 42 (1), 29-35, 2010 | 132 | 2010 |
A note on improving EAP trait estimation in oblique factor-analytic and item response theory models PJ Ferrando, U Lorenzo-Seva Psicológica 37 (2), 235-247, 2016 | 131 | 2016 |
An item response theory model for incorporating response time data in binary personality items PJ Ferrando, U Lorenzo-Seva Applied Psychological Measurement 31 (6), 525-543, 2007 | 125 | 2007 |
The construct of sensation seeking as measured by Zuckerman's SSS-V and Arnett's AISS: A structural equation model PJ Ferrando, E Chico Personality and Individual Differences 31 (7), 1121-1133, 2001 | 120 | 2001 |
Unrestricted item factor analysis and some relations with item response theory PJ Ferrando, U Lorenzo-Seva Technical report, 2013 | 117 | 2013 |
Not positive definite correlation matrices in exploratory item factor analysis: Causes, consequences and a proposed solution U Lorenzo-Seva, PJ Ferrando Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 28 (1), 138-147, 2021 | 113 | 2021 |
MSA: The forgotten index for identifying inappropriate items before computing exploratory item factor analysis U Lorenzo-Seva, PJ Ferrando Methodology 17 (4), 296-306, 2021 | 111 | 2021 |
The factorial structure of the 41-item version of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) in a Spanish population of 8 to 12 years-old A Vigil Colet, J Canals Sans, S Cosí, U Lorenzo Seva, PJ Ferrando Piera, ... © International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 2009, vol. 9, núm …, 2009 | 101 | 2009 |