Universitas Riau Kepulauan
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Pemanfaatan digital marketing bagi usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) di Kelurahan Malaka Sari, Duren Sawit
D Purwana, R Rahmi, S Aditya
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) 1 (1), 1-17, 2017
Phytoremediation experiments with Helianthus tuberosus under different pH and heavy metal soil concentrations
S Willscher, L Jablonski, Z Fona, R Rahmi, J Wittig
Hydrometallurgy 168, 153-158, 2017
Preparation of chitosan composite film reinforced with cellulose isolated from oil palm empty fruit bunch and application in cadmium ions removal from aqueous solutions.
R Rahmi, L Lelifajri, J Julinawati, S Shabrina
Analisis kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal barisan dan deret ditinjau dari kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis
V Zebua, R Rahmi, R Yusri
Lemma: Letters of Mathematics Education 6 (2), 2020
An analysis of natural disaster‐related information‐seeking behavior using temporal stages
R Rahmi, H Joho, T Shirai
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 70 (7 …, 2019
The role of individual differences in L2 learners’ retention of written corrective feedback
M Rahimi
Journal of Response to Writing 1 (1), 3, 2015
Pengembangan lembar kerja siswa (LKS) berbasis inkuiri terbimbing dan multimedia pembelajaran IPA SMP
R Rahmi, M Wati
Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 2 (2), 173-184, 2014
Synergetic photocatalytic and adsorptive removals of metanil yellow using TiO2/grass-derived cellulose/chitosan (TiO2/GC/CH) film composite
R Rahmi, S Lubis, N Az-Zahra, K Puspita, M Iqhrammullah
International Journal of Engineering 34 (8), 1827-1836, 2021
Pemanfaatan Adsorben Alami (Biosorben) Untuk Mengurangi Kadar Timbal (Pb) Dalam Limbah Cair
R Rahmi, S Sajidah
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi, Teknologi dan Kependidikan 5 (1), 2018
Kajian formulasi dan isotermik sorpsi air bubur jagung instan
F Agustina
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2008
Trend of polymer research related to COVID-19 pandemic: Bibliometric analysis
W Chiari, R Damayanti, H Harapan, K Puspita, S Saiful, R Rahmi, ...
Polymers 14 (16), 3297, 2022
Tofu wastewater-derived amino acids identification using LC-MS/MS and their uses in the modification of chitosan/TiO2 film composite
H Fathana, M Iqhrammullah, R Rahmi, M Adlim, S Lubis
Chemical Data Collections 35, 100754, 2021
Utilization of digital marketing for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Malaka Sari Village, Duren Sawit
D Purwana, R Rahmi, S Aditya
Journal of Civil Society Empowerment (JPMM) 1 (1), 1-17, 2017
The Use of Audiovisual Media in Learning and Its Impact on Learning Outcomes of Islamic Cultural History at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 4 Pasaman (Cek Similarity)
S Syofiarti, S Riki, L Ahmad, R Rahmi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, 2022
Subtitusi tepung temulawak (Curcuma xanthorhiza sp) pada pakan dengan dosis berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan benih ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus)
N Insana, F Wahyu
Octopus: Jurnal Ilmu Perikanan 4 (2), 381-391, 2015
Peran Arsip Dalam Pelestarian Cagar Budaya Di Indonesia: Sistematika Review
F Safira, TA Salim, R Rahmi, M Sani
Baca: Jurnal Dokumentasi Dan Informasi 41 (2), 289, 2020
Pengaruh self-efficacy terhadap pemahaman konsep matematika siswa pada pembelajaran model discovery learning
R Rahmi, R Febriana, GE Putri
Edumatica: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika 10 (01), 27-34, 2020
Preparation, Characterization and Adsorption Study of PEDGE-Cross-linked Magnetic Chitosan (PEDGE-MCh) Microspheres for Cd2+ Removal
R Rahmi, L Lelifajri, M Iqbal, F Fathurrahmi, J Jalaluddin, R Sembiring, ...
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 48 (1), 159-167, 2023
The Influence Of Price And Service Quality Of Brand Image And Its Impact On Customer Satisfaction Gojek (Students Study On A State University Of Jakarta)
M Rizan, D Yulianti, R Rahmi
JRMSI-Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indonesia 6 (2), 639-658, 2015
Analisis Faktor Kesulitan Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) Siswa Kelas VII MTs Batamiyah Batam
Z Evita, R Rahmi, Y Efendi
Jurnal Simbiosa 4 (1), 42-47, 2015
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