Fabrice Gatuingt
Fabrice Gatuingt
Professor, ENS Paris-Saclay
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Nonlocal anisotropic damage model and related computational aspects for quasi-brittle materials
R Desmorat, F Gatuingt, F Ragueneau
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 74 (10), 1539-1560, 2007
A testing technique for concrete under confinement at high rates of strain
P Forquin, G Gary, F Gatuingt
International Journal of Impact Engineering 35 (6), 425-446, 2008
Compaction and tensile damage in concrete: constitutive modelling and application to dynamics
N Burlion, F Gatuingt, G Pijaudier-Cabot, L Daudeville
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 183 (3-4), 291-308, 2000
Coupled damage and plasticity modelling in transient dynamic analysis of concrete
F Gatuingt, G Pijaudier‐Cabot
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2002
Inelastic behavior modelling of concrete in low and high strain rate dynamics
F Ragueneau, F Gatuingt
Computers & structures 81 (12), 1287-1299, 2003
A meso-mechanical model for concrete under dynamic tensile and compressive loading
L Snozzi, F Gatuingt, JF Molinari
International journal of fracture 178, 179-194, 2012
Numerical determination of the tensile response and the dissipated fracture energy of concrete: role of the mesostructure and influence of the loading rate
F Gatuingt, L Snozzi, JF Molinari
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2013
Constitutive model of coupled damage-plasticity and its finite element implementation
A Ibrahimbegović, D Markovič, F Gatuingt
Revue Européenne des Eléments 12 (4), 381-405, 2003
Upscaling permeability for fractured concrete: meso–macro numerical approach coupled to strong discontinuities
X Jourdain, JB Colliat, C De Sa, F Benboudjema, F Gatuingt
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2014
Delay-active damage versus non-local enhancement for anisotropic damage dynamics computations with alternated loading
R Desmorat, M Chambart, F Gatuingt, D Guilbaud
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 77 (12), 2294-2315, 2010
On numerical implementation of a coupled rate dependent damage‐plasticity constitutive model for concrete in application to high‐rate dynamics
G Hervé, F Gatuingt, A Ibrahimbegović
Engineering Computations 22 (5/6), 583-604, 2005
Prévision de la rupture des ouvrages en béton sollicités en dynamique rapide
F Gatuingt
École normale supérieure de Cachan-ENS Cachan, 1999
From diffuse damage to strain localization from an Eikonal Non-Local (ENL) Continuum Damage model with evolving internal length
G Rastiello, C Giry, F Gatuingt, R Desmorat
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 331, 650-674, 2018
Nonlocal models with damage-dependent interactions motivated by internal time
R Desmorat, F Gatuingt, M Jirásek
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 142, 255-275, 2015
Anisotropic damage modelling of biaxial behaviour and rupture of concrete structures
F Ragueneau, R Desmorat, F Gatuingt
Computers and Concrete, an International Journal 5 (4), 417-434, 2008
Nonstandard thermodynamics framework for robust computations with induced anisotropic damage
R Desmorat, F Gatuingt, F Ragueneau
International Journal of Damage Mechanics 19 (1), 53-73, 2010
Introduction of an internal time in nonlocal integral theories
R Desmorat, F Gatuingt
Mécanique des structures: résistance des matériaux
A Delaplace, F Gatuingt, F Ragueneau
Dunod, 2015
Anisotropic 3D delay-damage model to simulate concrete structures
F Gatuingt, R Desmorat, M Chambart, D Combescure, D Guilbaud
European Journal of Computational Mechanics/Revue Européenne de Mécanique …, 2008
A parallel, multiscale domain decomposition method for the transient dynamic analysis of assemblies with friction
D Odièvre, PA Boucard, F Gatuingt
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (21-22), 1297-1306, 2010
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