Gamifying learning experiences: Practical implications and outcomes A Domínguez-Díaz, J Saenz-de-Navarrete, L De-Marcos, ... Computers & education 63, 380-392, 2013 | 2817 | 2013 |
An empirical study comparing gamification and social networking on e-learning L De-Marcos, A Domínguez-Díaz, J Saenz-de-Navarrete, C Pagés Computers & education 75, 82-91, 2014 | 947 | 2014 |
Social network analysis of a gamified e-learning course: Small-world phenomenon and network metrics as predictors of academic performance L De-Marcos, E García-López, A García-Cabot, JA Medina-Merodio, ... Computers in Human Behavior 60, 312-321, 2016 | 147 | 2016 |
Aportaciones sobre el uso de gamificación y redes sociales en la educación universitaria: Efectos sobre el rendimiento académico A Domínguez-Díaz | 10 | 2018 |
Effects of Competitive and Cooperative Classroom Response Systems on Quiz Performance and Programming Skills in a Video Game Programming Course A Domínguez-Díaz, L de-Marcos, JJ Martínez-Herráiz Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in …, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Applying usability recommendations when developing mobile instant messaging applications S Caro‐Álvaro, E García‐López, A García‐Cabot, L de‐Marcos, ... IET Software 16 (1), 73-93, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
The Use of Machine Learning in Educational Datasets D Menoyo-Ros, A Garcia-Cabot, E Garcia-Lopez, A Dominguez-Díaz EDEN Conference Proceedings, 131-140, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Unity 2017. X Curso Práctico A Domínguez-Díaz Grupo Editorial RA-MA, 2017 | 2* | 2017 |
Mapping science through editorial board interlocking: connections and distance between fields of knowledge and institutional affiliations L de-Marcos, M Goyanes, A Domínguez-Díaz Scientometrics, 1-22, 2024 | | 2024 |
Recommendation and Prediction in a Microservice Web Application for Cyber Ranges L de-Marcos, D Rodríguez, JM Gutiérrez-Martínez, A Domínguez-Díaz, ... Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, 517-523, 2023 | | 2023 |
Evaluating the UX of a Microservice Web App: CyberRanges in the μDevOps Project L De-marcos, JM Gutiérrez-Martínez, A Domínguez-Díaz, S Caro-Álvaro, ... Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, 471-478, 2022 | | 2022 |
Aprendizaje por refuerzo profundo en juego de mesa cooperativo mediante Unity ML-Agents Ó Pastor-Arroyo, A Domínguez-Díaz, D Menoyo-Ros ATICA2020: Aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones …, 2020 | | 2020 |
World of Warcraft Stats System: Evolution and Casualization A Domínguez-Díaz, D Vallés-Blanco, L de-Marcos, J Aguado-Delgado, ... Game Design and Intelligent Interaction, 2019 | | 2019 |
Aportaciones sobre el uso de gamificación y redes sociales en la educación universitaria: efectos sobre el rendimiento académico AD Díaz Universidad de Alcalá, 2018 | | 2018 |
Diseño de una experiencia educativa gamificada en el ámbito del e-learning A Domínguez-Díaz, J Saenz-de-Navarrete, L de-Marcos, ... Actas del III Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Calidad y Accesibilidad de la …, 2012 | | 2012 |