Pablo de Pedraza Garcia
Pablo de Pedraza Garcia
European Commission, Joint Research Center (JRC)
在 ec.europa.eu 的电子邮件经过验证
Determinants of job insecurity in five European countries
R Muñoz de Bustillo, P De Pedraza
European Journal of Industrial Relations 16 (1), 5-20, 2010
Can internet searches forecast tourism inflows?
C Artola, F Pinto, P de Pedraza García
International Journal of Manpower 36 (1), 103-116, 2015
Life Dissatisfaction and Anxiety in COVID-19 pandemic
P De Pedraza, M Guzi, K Tijdens
MUNI ECON Working Paper, 2020
A web survey analysis of subjective well-being
M Guzi, P de Pedraza García
International Journal of Manpower 36 (1), 48-67, 2015
Mobile Research Methods: Opportunities and challenges of mobile research methodologies
P de Pedraza, R Pinter, D Toninelli
Ubiquity press, 2015
What is the gain in a probability-based online panel of providing internet access to sampling units who previously had no access?
M Revilla, A Cornilleau, AS Cousteaux, S Legleye, P de Pedraza
Social Science Computer Review 34 (4), 479-496, 2016
A Spanish continuous volunteer web survey: sample bias, weighting and efficiency
P de Pedraza, K Tijdens, RM de Bustillo, S Steinmetz
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Reis) 131 (1), 109-130, 2010
Measuring wages worldwide: exploring the potentials and constraints of volunteer web surveys
S Steinmetz, D Raess, K Tijdens, P de Pedraza
Advancing research methods with new technologies, 100-119, 2013
Survey vs scraped data: comparing time series properties of web and survey vacancy data
P de Pedraza, S Visintin, K Tijdens, G Kismihók
IZA Journal of Labor Economics 8 (1), 2019
Working life and retirement pensions in Spain: The simulated impact of a parametric reform
RM de Bustillo, P de Pedraza, JI Antón, LA Rivas
International Social Security Review 64 (1), 73-93, 2011
Life satisfaction of employees, labour market tightness and matching efficiency
P de Pedraza, M Guzi, K Tijdens
International Journal of Manpower 42 (3), 341-355, 2021
La función de emparejamiento en los mercados de trabajo en transición: Revisión del caso checo'
P de Pedraza García
Revista de Economía laboral 4 (1), 13-43, 2007
Mobile Research Methods: Possibilities and Issues of a new promising way of conducting research
R Pinter, D Toninelli, P De Pedraza
Mobile Research Methods, 1, 2015
Ageing population and spanish pension system reforms: effects on average pensions and inequality among pensioners
P De Pedraza, R Muñoz de Bustillo, LA Rivas
Economic Analysis Working Papers, 2009
Determinantes de la situación laboral en España: trabajar a tiempo parcial frente a otras situaciones laborales
P De Pedraza, RM de Bustillo, A Villacampa
Cuadernos de Economía 33 (92), 71-104, 2010
Comparing different weighting procedures for volunteer web surveys
S Steinmetz, K Tijdens, P de Pedraza
Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies, University of Amsterdam, 2009
The Roles of General Health and COVID-19 Proximity in Contact Tracing App Usage: Cross-sectional Survey Study
D Witteveen, P de Pedraza
JMIR public health and surveillance 7 (8), e27892, 2021
Task implementation heterogeneity and wage dispersion
S Visintin, K Tijdens, S Steinmetz, P de Pedraza
IZA Journal of Labor Economics 4, 1-24, 2015
La cuantía de las pensiones a medio plazo, sus efectos sobre el sistema de pensiones y el estudio de alternativas
R Muñoz de Bustillo, F Esteve, PF De Pedraza, JI Antón, J Frades, ...
Spanish Government FIPROS/2006/61, 2007
Desigualdad y delincuencia: una aplicación para España
RM de Bustillo Llorente, FM Mayoral, P de Pedraza García
Papeles de trabajo del Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. Serie economía, 1-67, 2007
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