Jacques Juhel
Jacques Juhel
Professeur de psychologie différentielle, Université Rennes 2
在 univ-rennes2.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Procrastination, participation, and performance in online learning environments
N Michinov, S Brunot, O Le Bohec, J Juhel, M Delaval
Computers & Education 56 (1), 243-252, 2011
Sex differences in language across early childhood: Family socioeconomic status does not impact boys and girls equally
S Barbu, A Nardy, JP Chevrot, B Guellaï, L Glas, J Juhel, A Lemasson
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1874, 2015
Spatial abilities and individual differences in visual information processing
J Juhel
Intelligence 15 (1), 117-137, 1991
The effects of neurofeedback training on memory performance in elderly subjects
J Juhel
Psychology 2 (08), 846, 2011
Measurement, ontology, and epistemology: Psychology needs pragmatism-realism
H Guyon, JL Kop, J Juhel, B Falissard
Theory & Psychology 28 (2), 149-171, 2018
Les protocoles individuels dans l’évaluation par le psychologue praticien de l’efficacité de son intervention
J Juhel
Pratiques psychologiques 14 (3), 357-373, 2008
Language evaluation and use during early childhood: Adhesion to social norms or integration of environmental regularities?
S Barbu, A Nardy, JP Chevrot, J Juhel
Linguistics 51 (2), 381-411, 2013
Relationships between psychometric intelligence and information-processing speed indexes
J Juhel
European Bulletin of Cognitive Psychology 11 (1), 73-105, 1991
Fathers' and mothers' distancing strategies towards toddlers
F Labrell, M Deleau, J Juhel
International Journal of Behavioral Development 24 (3), 356-361, 2000
Effets du contexte d'évaluation sur les dimensions de la désirabilité sociale
J Juhel, G Rouxel
Psychologie du travail et des organisations 11 (1), 59-68, 2005
Identifying reciprocities in school motivation research: A review of issues and solutions associated with cross-lagged effects models.
F Núñez-Regueiro, J Juhel, P Bressoux, C Nurra
Journal of Educational Psychology 114 (5), 945, 2022
Should we take the shape of reaction time distributions into account when studying the relationship between RT and psychometric intelligence?
J Juhel
Personality and individual differences 15 (3), 357-360, 1993
Effets généraux et différentiels d'un programme d'entraînement cognitif multimodal chez la personne âgée
C Auffray, J Juhel
L'année psychologique 101 (1), 65-89, 2001
Aging and performance on laboratory and naturalistic prospective memory tasks: The mediating role of executive flexibility and retrospective memory
B Azzopardi, J Juhel, C Auffray
Intelligence 52, 24-35, 2015
La clarté du concept de soi: validation d’une échelle de mesure en langue française
S Brunot, P Valéau, J Juhel
European Review of Applied Psychology 65 (3), 143-153, 2015
An individual mixed‐evaluation method for career intervention
P Jacquin, J Juhel
The Career Development Quarterly 65 (1), 16-28, 2017
Multilevel influences of team identification and transactive memory on team effectiveness
E Michinov, J Juhel
Team Performance Management: An International Journal 24 (1/2), 106-120, 2018
Développement de carrière et construction de sa vie: une nouvelle méthode pour l’orientation tout au long de la vie
P Jacquin, J Juhel
L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 2013
Les systemes dynamiques non lineaires dans l’etude de la variabilite cognitive
J Juhel
La complexite: ses formes, ses traitements, ses effets, 193-216, 2005
General and differential effects of a multimodal cognitive training program for the eldenly.
C Auffray, J Juhel
Annee Psychologique 101 (1), 65-89, 2001
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