Luis Fernando Gómez Gutiérrez MD, MPH. (ORCID: 0000-0003-1834-3012)
Luis Fernando Gómez Gutiérrez MD, MPH. (ORCID: 0000-0003-1834-3012)
Profesor, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Social, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad
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Influences of built environments on walking and cycling: lessons from Bogotá
R Cervero, OL Sarmiento, E Jacoby, LF Gomez, A Neiman
International journal of sustainable transportation 3 (4), 203-226, 2009
Neighborhood environments and physical activity among adults in 11 countries
JF Sallis, HR Bowles, A Bauman, BE Ainsworth, FC Bull, CL Craig, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 36 (6), 484-490, 2009
Lessons learned after 10 years of IPAQ use in Brazil and Colombia
PC Hallal, LF Gomez, DC Parra, F Lobelo, J Mosquera, AA Florindo, ...
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 7 (s2), S259-S264, 2010
Perceived and objective neighborhood environment attributes and health related quality of life among the elderly in Bogota, Colombia
DC Parra, LF Gomez, OL Sarmiento, D Buchner, R Brownson, T Schimd, ...
Social science & medicine 70 (7), 1070-1076, 2010
Built environment attributes and walking patterns among the elderly population in Bogotá
LF Gómez, DC Parra, D Buchner, RC Brownson, OL Sarmiento, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 38 (6), 592-599, 2010
Major cardiovascular risk factors in Latin America: a comparison with the United States. The Latin American consortium of studies in obesity (LASO)
JJ Miranda, VM Herrera, JA Chirinos, LF Gómez, P Perel, R Pichardo, ...
PloS one 8 (1), e54056, 2013
Nivel de actividad física global en la población adulta de Bogotá (Colombia): Prevalencia y factores asociados
LF Gómez, J Duperly, DI Lucumí, R Gámez, AS Venegas
Gaceta Sanitaria 19 (3), 206-213, 2005
Advertising of ultra-processed foods and beverages: children as a vulnerable population
C Mallarino, LF Gómez, L González-Zapata, Y Cadena, DC Parra
Revista de saude publica 47, 1006-1010, 2013
Lecciones aprendidas después de 10 Años del uso de IPAQ en Brasil y Colombia
P Hallal, LF Gómez, D Parra, F Lobelo, J Mosquera, A Florindo, R Reis, ...
J Phys Act Health 7 (Suppl 2), 259-264, 2010
Characteristics of the built environment associated with leisure-time physical activity among adults in Bogota, Colombia: a multilevel study
LF Gomez, OL Sarmiento, DC Parra, TL Schmid, M Pratt, E Jacoby, ...
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 7 (s2), S196-S203, 2010
Perceived neighborhood environment and physical activity in 11 countries: do associations differ by country?
D Ding, MA Adams, JF Sallis, GJ Norman, MF Hovell, CD Chambers, ...
International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 10 (1), 1-11, 2013
Leisure-time physical activity among women in a neighbourhood in Bogotá, Colombia: prevalence and socio-demographic correlates
LF Gómez, JC Mateus, G Cabrera
Cadernos de saúde Pública 20, 1103-1109, 2004
Built environment characteristics and perceived active park use among older adults: Results from a multilevel study in Bogota
DC Parra, LF Gomez, NL Fleischer, JD Pinzon
Health & Place 16 (6), 1174-1181, 2010
Quality of life, physical activity, and built environment characteristics among colombian adults
OL Sarmiento, TL Schmid, DC Parra, A Díaz-del-Castillo, LF Gómez, ...
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 7 (s2), S181-S195, 2010
Interethnic differences in the accuracy of anthropometric indicators of obesity in screening for high risk of coronary heart disease
VM Herrera, JP Casas, JJ Miranda, P Perel, R Pichardo, A González, ...
International journal of obesity 33 (5), 568-576, 2009
Accesibilidad a los servicios de salud en la práctica de citología reciente de cuello uterino en una zona urbana de Colombia
DI Lucumí Cuesta, LF Gómez Gutiérrez
Revista española de salud pública 78 (3), 367-377, 2004
Television viewing and its association with overweight in Colombian children: results from the 2005 National Nutrition Survey: a cross sectional study
LF Gomez, DC Parra, F Lobelo, B Samper, J Moreno, E Jacoby, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 4 (1), 1-8, 2007
Patterns of neighborhood environment attributes related to physical activity across 11 countries: a latent class analysis
MA Adams, D Ding, JF Sallis, HR Bowles, BE Ainsworth, P Bergman, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 10, 1-11, 2013
Urban environment interventions linked to the promotion of physical activity: a mixed methods study applied to the urban context of Latin America
LF Gomez, R Sarmiento, MF Ordoñez, CF Pardo, TH de Sá, CH Mallarino, ...
Social science & medicine 131, 18-30, 2015
The nutrition transition in Colombia over a decade: a novel household classification system of anthropometric measures
DC Parra, L Iannotti, LF Gomez, H Pachón, D Haire-Joshu, OL Sarmiento, ...
Archives of Public Health 73, 1-12, 2015
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