Servitization: Revisiting the state-of-the-art and research priorities T Baines, AZ Bigdelli, OF Bustinza, V Guang Shi, J Baldwin, K Ridgway International Journal of Operations & Production Management 37 (2), 256-278, 2017 | 877 | 2017 |
Servitization, digitization and supply chain interdependency F Vendrell-Herrero, OF Bustinza, G Parry, N Georgantzis Industrial Marketing Management 60, 69-81, 2017 | 752 | 2017 |
Product-service innovation and performance: The role of collaborative partnerships and R&D intensity OF Bustinza, E Gomes, F Vendrell-Herrero, T Baines R&D Management 49 (1), 33-45, 2019 | 414 | 2019 |
Servitization and competitive advantage: The importance of organizational structure and value chain position OF Bustinza, A Bigdeli, T Baines, C Elliot Research-Technology Management 58 (5), 53-60, 2015 | 349 | 2015 |
Outsourcing, competitive capabilities and performance: An empirical study in service firms OF Bustinza, D Arias-Aranda, L Gutierrez-Gutierrez International Journal of Production Economics 126 (2), 276-288, 2010 | 245 | 2010 |
Supply and demand chain management: The effect of adding services to product offerings OF Bustinza, G Parry, F Vendrell-Herrero Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 18 (6), 618-629, 2013 | 203 | 2013 |
Explaining the causes and effects of dynamic capabilities generation: a multiple-indicator multiple-cause modelling approach’ V Barrales-Molina, OF Bustinza, L Gutierrez-Gutierrez British journal of management 24 (4), 571-591, 2013 | 179 | 2013 |
Technological capabilities, resilience capabilities and organisational effectiveness OF Bustinza, F Vendrell-Herrero, MN Perez-Arostegui, G Parry The International Journal of Human Resource Management 30 (8), 1370-1392, 2019 | 163 | 2019 |
Servitization and value co-production in the UK music industry: An empirical study of consumer attitudes G Parry, OF Bustinza, F Vendrell-Herrero International Journal of Production Economics 135 (1), 320-332, 2012 | 152 | 2012 |
Service implementation in manufacturing: An organisational transformation perspective OF Bustinza, F Vendrell-Herrero, T Baines International Journal of Production Economics 192, 1-8, 2017 | 145 | 2017 |
Uncovering productivity gains of Digital and Green Servitization: Implications from the automotive industry M Opazo-Basáez, F Vendrell-Herrero, OF Bustinza Sustainability 10 (5), 1524-1541, 2018 | 140 | 2018 |
Six sigma: from a goal-theoretic perspective to shared-vision development LJ Gutierrez-Gutierrez, FJ Lloréns-Montes, OF Bustinza International Journal of Operations & Production Management 29 (2), 151-169, 2009 | 133 | 2009 |
Six sigma, absorptive capacity and organisational learning orientation LJG Gutiérrez, OF Bustinza, VB Molina International Journal of Production Research 50 (3), 661-675, 2012 | 129 | 2012 |
Network positioning and risk perception in servitization: Evidence from the UK road transport industry A Ziaee Bigdeli, OF Bustinza, F Vendrell-Herrero, T Baines International Journal of Production Research 56 (6), 2169-2183, 2018 | 128 | 2018 |
Make-or-buy configurational approaches in product-service ecosystems and performance OF Bustinza, E Lafuente, R Rabetino, Y Vaillant, F Vendrell-Herrero Journal of Business Research 104, 393-401, 2019 | 116 | 2019 |
Information tecnologies and product-service innovation: The moderating role of service R&D team structure F Vendrell-Herrero, OF Bustinza, M Opazo-Basaez Journal of Business Research 128, 673-687, 2021 | 113 | 2021 |
Product-service innovation and performance: unveiling the complexities OF Bustinza, F Vendrell-Herrero, E Gomes, E Lafuente, M Opazo-Basaez, ... International Journal of Business Environment 10 (2), 95-111, 2018 | 113 | 2018 |
Exploring the relationship between information technology competence and quality management MN Pérez-Aróstegui, F Bustinza-Sánchez, V Barrales-Molina BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 2020 | 112 | 2020 |
An organizational change framework for digital servitization: Evidence from the Veneto region OF Bustinza, E Gomes, F Vendrell-Herrero, S Tarba Strategic Change 27 (2), 111-119, 2018 | 111 | 2018 |
Antecedents and implications of territorial servitization E Gomes, OF Bustinza, S Tarba, Z Khan, M Ahammad Regional Studies 53 (3), 410-423, 2019 | 105 | 2019 |