gspan: Graph-based substructure pattern mining X Yan, J Han 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2002. Proceedings., 721-724, 2002 | 3133 | 2002 |
Pathsim: Meta path-based top-k similarity search in heterogeneous information networks Y Sun, J Han, X Yan, PS Yu, T Wu Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (11), 992-1003, 2011 | 2120 | 2011 |
Frequent pattern mining: current status and future directions J Han, H Cheng, D Xin, X Yan Data mining and knowledge discovery 15 (1), 55-86, 2007 | 1906 | 2007 |
Enhancing the locality and breaking the memory bottleneck of transformer on time series forecasting S Li, X Jin, Y Xuan, X Zhou, W Chen, YX Wang, X Yan Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019 | 1422 | 2019 |
Clospan: Mining: Closed sequential patterns in large datasets X Yan, J Han, R Afshar Proceedings of the 2003 SIAM international conference on data mining, 166-177, 2003 | 1294 | 2003 |
Graph indexing: a frequent structure-based approach X Yan, PS Yu, J Han Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2004 | 968 | 2004 |
Closegraph: mining closed frequent graph patterns X Yan, J Han Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2003 | 942 | 2003 |
Mining frequent patterns in data streams at multiple time granularities C Giannella, J Han, J Pei, X Yan, PS Yu Next generation data mining 212, 191-212, 2003 | 810 | 2003 |
SOBER: statistical model-based bug localization C Liu, X Yan, L Fei, J Han, SP Midkiff ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30 (5), 286-295, 2005 | 581 | 2005 |
Discriminative frequent pattern analysis for effective classification H Cheng, X Yan, J Han, CW Hsu 2007 IEEE 23rd international conference on data engineering, 716-725, 2006 | 499 | 2006 |
Mining coherent dense subgraphs across massive biological networks for functional discovery H Hu, X Yan, Y Huang, J Han, XJ Zhou Bioinformatics 21 (suppl_1), i213-i221, 2005 | 485 | 2005 |
Substructure similarity search in graph databases X Yan, PS Yu, J Han Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005 | 451 | 2005 |
Mining significant graph patterns by leap search X Yan, H Cheng, J Han, PS Yu Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2008 | 444 | 2008 |
Statistical debugging: A hypothesis testing-based approach C Liu, L Fei, X Yan, J Han, SP Midkiff IEEE Transactions on software engineering 32 (10), 831-848, 2006 | 435 | 2006 |
Pathselclus: Integrating meta-path selection with user-guided object clustering in heterogeneous information networks Y Sun, B Norick, J Han, X Yan, PS Yu, X Yu ACM transactions on knowledge discovery from data (TKDD) 7 (3), 1-23, 2013 | 433 | 2013 |
Workload characterization and prediction in the cloud: A multiple time series approach A Khan, X Yan, S Tao, N Anerousis 2012 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1287-1294, 2012 | 393 | 2012 |
TSP: Mining top-k closed sequential patterns P Tzvetkov, X Yan, J Han Knowledge and Information Systems 7, 438-457, 2005 | 307 | 2005 |
IncSpan: incremental mining of sequential patterns in large database H Cheng, X Yan, J Han Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2004 | 300 | 2004 |
Mining compressed frequent-pattern sets D Xin, J Han, X Yan, H Cheng Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Very large data bases …, 2005 | 298 | 2005 |
Summarizing itemset patterns: a profile-based approach X Yan, H Cheng, J Han, D Xin Proceedings of the eleventh ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2005 | 278 | 2005 |