Florian Willomitzer
Florian Willomitzer
Associate Professor, Wyant College of Optical Sciences at University of Arizona
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Compressive ghost imaging through scattering media with deep learning
F Li, M Zhao, Z Tian, F Willomitzer, O Cossairt
Optics Express 28 (12), 17395-17408, 2020
Consequences of EEG electrode position error on ultimate beamformer source reconstruction performance
SS Dalal, S Rampp, F Willomitzer, S Ettl
Frontiers in neuroscience 8, 80684, 2014
Fast non-line-of-sight imaging with high-resolution and wide field of view using synthetic wavelength holography
F Willomitzer, PV Rangarajan, F Li, MM Balaji, MP Christensen, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 6647, 2021
Single-shot 3D motion picture camera with a dense point cloud
F Willomitzer, G Häusler
Optics express 25 (19), 23451-23464, 2017
Hand-guided qualitative deflectometry with a mobile device
F Willomitzer, CK Yeh, V Gupta, W Spies, F Schiffers, A Katsaggelos, ...
Optics Express 28 (7), 9027-9038, 2020
Sh-tof: Micro resolution time-of-flight imaging with superheterodyne interferometry
F Li, F Willomitzer, P Rangarajan, M Gupta, A Velten, O Cossairt
2018 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 1-10, 2018
High resolution non-line-of-sight imaging with superheterodyne remote digital holography
F Willomitzer, F Li, MM Balaji, P Rangarajan, O Cossairt
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CM2A. 2, 2019
Single-shot three-dimensional sensing with improved data density
F Willomitzer, S Ettl, C Faber, G Häusler
Applied Optics 54 (3), 408-417, 2015
Synthetic wavelength holography: An extension of Gabor's holographic principle to imaging with scattered wavefronts
F Willomitzer, PV Rangarajan, F Li, MM Balaji, MP Christensen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.11438, 2019
Flying triangulation-A motion-robust optical 3D sensor for the real-time shape acquisition of complex objects
F Willomitzer, S Ettl, O Arold, G Häusler
AIP Conference Proceedings 1537 (1), 19-26, 2013
Hand-guided 3D surface acquisition by combining simple light sectioning with real-time algorithms
O Arold, S Ettl, F Willomitzer, G Häusler
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.1946, 2014
WISHED: Wavefront imaging sensor with high resolution and depth ranging
Y Wu, F Li, F Willomitzer, A Veeraraghavan, O Cossairt
2020 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 1-10, 2020
Improved EEG source localization employing 3D sensing by" Flying Triangulation"
S Ettl, S Rampp, S Fouladi-Movahed, SS Dalal, F Willomitzer, O Arold, ...
Videometrics, Range Imaging, and Applications XII; and Automated Visual …, 2013
3D body scanning with Flying Triangulation
F Huber, O Arold, F Willomitzer, S Ettl, G Häusler
DGaO Proceedings 2011, P30, 2011
Spatially resolved indirect imaging of objects beyond the line of sight
P Rangarajan, F Willomitzer, O Cossairt, MP Christensen
Unconventional and Indirect Imaging, Image Reconstruction, and Wavefront …, 2019
Why can’t we purchase a perfect single shot 3D-sensor?
G Häusler, C Faber, F Willomitzer, P Dienstbier
Proceedings of DGaO, A8, 2012
3D face scanning with “Flying Triangulation.”
F Willomitzer, Z Yang, O Arold, S Ettl, G Häusler
DGaO Proc 111, 18, 2010
Reflections about the holographic and non-holographic acquisition of surface topography: where are the limits?
G Häusler, F Willomitzer
Light: Advanced Manufacturing 3 (2), 1-10, 2022
Intensity interferometry-based 3D imaging
F Wagner, F Schiffers, F Willomitzer, O Cossairt, A Velten
Optics Express 29 (4), 4733-4745, 2021
VR Eye-Tracking using Deflectometry
J Wang, B Xu, T Wang, WJ Lee, M Walton, N Matsuda, O Cossairt, ...
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