Daniel Ruthrauff
Daniel Ruthrauff
Research Wildlife Biologist
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A global threats overview for Numeniini populations: synthesising expert knowledge for a group of declining migratory birds
JW Pearce-Higgins, DJ Brown, DJT Douglas, JA Alves, M Bellio, P Bocher, ...
Bird Conservation International 27 (1), 6-34, 2017
Densities of breeding birds and changes in vegetation in an Alaskan boreal forest following a massive disturbance by spruce beetles
SM Matsuoka, CM Handel, DR Ruthrauff
Canadian Journal of Zoology 79 (9), 1678-1690, 2001
Survival of western sandpiper broods on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
DR Ruthrauff, BJ McCaffery
The Condor 107 (3), 597-604, 2005
Normalized difference vegetation index as an estimator for abundance and quality of avian herbivore forage in Arctic Alaska
KR Hogrefe, VP Patil, DR Ruthrauff, BW Meixell, ME Budde, JW Hupp, ...
Remote Sensing 9 (12), 1234, 2017
Response of predators to western sandpiper nest exclosures
AC Niehaus, DR Ruthrauff, BJ McCaffery
Waterbirds 27 (1), 79-82, 2004
Geographic variation in morphology of Alaska-breeding Bar-tailed Godwits (Limosa lapponica) is not maintained on their nonbreeding grounds in New Zealand
DRR Conklin, Jesse R., Phil F. Battley, Murray A. Potter
Auk 128, 363-373, 2011
Coelomic implantation of satellite transmitters in the bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica) and the bristle-thighed curlew (Numenius tahitiensis) using propofol, bupivacaine …
DM Mulcahy, B Gartrell, RE Gill Jr, TL Tibbitts, DR Ruthrauff
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 54-64, 2011
Shorebird avoidance of nearshore feeding and roosting areas at night correlates with presence of a nocturnal avian predator
T Piersma, RE Gill, P de Goeij, A Dekinga, ML Shepherd, D Ruthrauff, ...
Wader Study Group Bulletin 109, 73-76, 2006
Flexible timing of annual movements across consistently used sites by Marbled Godwits breeding in Alaska
DR Ruthrauff, TL Tibbitts, RE Gill Jr
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 136 (1), uky007, 2019
Short-term effects of tartar emetic on re-sighting rates of migratory songbirds in the non-breeding season
MD Johnson, DR Ruthrauff, JG Jones, JR Tietz, JK Robinson
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (2), 191-196, 2002
Intercontinental migratory connectivity and population structuring of Dunlins from western Alaska
RE Gill Jr, CM Handel, DR Ruthrauff
The Condor 115 (3), 525-534, 2013
Shorebird subsistence harvest and indigenous knowledge in Alaska: Informing harvest management and engaging users in shorebird conservation
LC Naves, JM Keating, TL Tibbitts, DR Ruthrauff
The Condor 121 (2), duz023, 2019
Shorebird reproductive response to exceptionally early and late springs varies across sites in Arctic Alaska
RL McGuire, RB Lanctot, ST Saalfeld, DR Ruthrauff, JR Liebezeit
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 577652, 2020
The Pacific as the world’s greatest theater of bird migration: Extreme flights spark questions about physiological capabilities, behavior, and the evolution of migratory pathways
T Piersma, RE Gill Jr, DR Ruthrauff, CG Guglielmo, JR Conklin, ...
Ornithology 139 (2), ukab086, 2022
Coping with the cold: an ecological context for the abundance and distribution of Rock Sandpipers during winter in upper Cook Inlet, Alaska
DR Ruthrauff, RE Gill Jr, TL Tibbitts
Arctic, 269-278, 2013
Apparent survival of breeding Western Sandpipers on the Yukon-Kuskokwim river delta, Alaska
M Johnson, DR Ruthrauff, BJ McCaffery, SM Haig, JR Walters
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122 (1), 15-22, 2010
Seasonal and age-related trends in the reproductive output of western sandpipers (Calidris mauri) at Kanaryaraq, Alaska
DR Ruthrauff
Humboldt State University, 2002
The blind men and the elephant: Concerns about the use of juvenile proportion data
BJ McCaffery, CM Handel, RE Gill Jr, DR Ruthrauff
Stilt-The journal for the East Asian-Australasian Flyway 50, 194-204, 2007
How intensive is intensive enough? Limitations of intensive searching for estimating shorebird nest numbers
BJ McCaffery, DR Ruthrauff
Diverse patterns of migratory timing, site use, and site fidelity by Alaska‐breeding Whimbrels
DR Ruthrauff, CM Harwood, TL Tibbitts, N Warnock, RE Gill Jr
Journal of Field Ornithology 92 (2), 156-172, 2021
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