Erik Ervin
Erik Ervin
在 udel.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Cytokinin‐containing seaweed and humic acid extracts associated with creeping bentgrass leaf cytokinins and drought resistance
X Zhang, EH Ervin
Crop science 44 (5), 1737-1745, 2004
Impact of seaweed extract‐based cytokinins and zeatin riboside on creeping bentgrass heat tolerance
X Zhang, EH Ervin
Crop Science 48 (1), 364-370, 2008
Plant growth regulators can enhance the recovery of Kentucky bluegrass sod from heat injury
X Zhang, EH Ervin, RE Schmidt
Crop science 43 (3), 952-956, 2003
Physiological effects of liquid applications of a seaweed extract and a humic acid on creeping bentgrass
X Zhang, EH Ervin, RE Schmidt
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 128 (4), 492-496, 2003
Physiological mechanism of enhancing salt stress tolerance of perennial ryegrass by 24-epibrassinolide
W Wu, Q Zhang, EH Ervin, Z Yang, X Zhang
Frontiers in plant science 8, 1017, 2017
Drought avoidance aspects and crop coefficients of Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue turfs in the semiarid west
EH Ervin, AJ Koski
Crop Science 38 (3), 788-795, 1998
Assessment of drought tolerance of 49 switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) genotypes using physiological and morphological parameters
Y Liu, X Zhang, H Tran, L Shan, J Kim, K Childs, EH Ervin, T Frazier, ...
Biotechnology for Biofuels 8, 1-18, 2015
Enzymatic antioxidant responses to biostimulants in maize and soybean subjected to drought
ACF Vasconcelos, X Zhang, EH Ervin, JC Kiehl
Scientia Agricola 66, 395-402, 2009
Influence of late‐season iron, nitrogen, and seaweed extract on fall color retention and cold tolerance of four bermudagrass cultivars
GC Munshaw, EH Ervin, C Shang, SD Askew, X Zhang, RW Lemus
Crop Science 46 (1), 273-283, 2006
Growth responses of Lolium perenne L. to trinexapac-ethyl
EH Ervin, AJ Koski
HortScience 33 (7), 1200-1202, 1998
Trinexapac-ethyl increases Kentucky bluegrass leaf cell density and chlorophyll concentration
EH Ervin, AJ Koski
HortScience 36 (4), 787-789, 2001
Metabolic defense responses of seeded bermudagrass during acclimation to freezing stress
X Zhang, EH Ervin, AJ LaBranche
Crop Science 46 (6), 2598-2605, 2006
Impact of biosolids on hormone metabolism in drought‐stressed tall fescue
X Zhang, EH Ervin, GK Evanylo, KC Haering
Crop Science 49 (5), 1893-1901, 2009
Questions and answers about biostimulants
RE Schmidt, EH Ervin, X Zhang
Golf Course Manage 71 (6), 91-94, 2003
Kentucky bluegrass growth responses to trinexapac‐ethyl, traffic, and nitrogen
EH Ervin, AJ Koski
Crop science 41 (6), 1871-1877, 2001
Trinexapac-ethyl restricts shoot growth and prolongs stand density of'Meyer'zoysiagrass fairway under shade
EH Ervin, CH Ok, BS Fresenburg, JH Dunn
HortScience 37 (3), 502-505, 2002
Optimizing Dosages of Seaweed Extract‐Based Cytokinins and Zeatin Riboside for Improving Creeping Bentgrass Heat Tolerance
X Zhang, K Wang, EH Ervin
Crop Science 50 (1), 316-320, 2010
Amendments and Construction Systems for Improving the Performance of Sand‐Based Putting Greens
CH Ok, SH Anderson, EH Ervin
Agronomy Journal 95 (6), 1583-1590, 2003
Ultraviolet-B radiation damage on Kentucky Bluegrass II: Hormone supplement effects
EH Ervin, X Zhang, JH Fike
HortScience 39 (6), 1471-1474, 2004
Heat shock proteins in relation to heat stress tolerance of creeping bentgrass at different N levels
K Wang, X Zhang, M Goatley, E Ervin
PLoS One 9 (7), e102914, 2014
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