José Luis de Justo
Pattern recognition to forecast seismic time series
A Morales-Esteban, F Martínez-Álvarez, A Troncoso, JL Justo, ...
Expert systems with applications 37 (12), 8333-8342, 2010
The influence of stress-path in the collapse-swelling of soils at the laboratory
JL Justo, A Delgado, J Ruiz
Fifth International Conference on Expansive Soils 1984: Preprints of Papers …, 1984
The 1531 Lisbon earthquake
JL Justo, C Salwa
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 88 (2), 319-328, 1998
Settlement‐time behaviour of granular embankments
JL Justo, P Durand
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2000
The effect of geotextile reinforcement and prefabricated vertical drains on the stability and settlement of embankments
EM Da Silva, JL Justo, P Durand, E Justo, M Vázquez-Boza
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 45 (5), 447-461, 2017
Neotectonics and slope stabilization at the Alhambra, Granada, Spain
JL Justo, JM Azañón, A Azor, J Saura, P Durand, M Villalobos, A Morales, ...
Engineering geology 100 (3-4), 101-119, 2008
Erratum to: The use of rock mass classification systems to estimate the modulus and strength of jointed rock
JL Justo, E Justo, JM Azañón, percy Durand, A Morales
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineeering 43 (3), 377, 2010
The foundation of a 40-storey tower in jointed basalt
JL Justo, E Justo, P Durand, JM Azañón
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 43 (2), 267-281, 2006
A finite element method to design and calculate pier foundations in expansive-collapsing soils
JL Justo, J Saura, JE Rodriguez, A Delgado, A Jaramillo
Fifth International Conference on Expansive Soils 1984: Preprints of Papers …, 1984
Three‐dimensional analysis of Infiernillo dam during construction and filling of the reservoir
JL Justo, J Saura
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics 7 …, 1983
Stability analysis of a slope subject to real accelerograms by finite elements. Application to San Pedro cliff at the Alhambra in Granada
A Morales-Esteban, JL de Justo, J Reyes, JM Azañón, P Durand, ...
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 69, 28-45, 2015
Geotecnia y cimientos II
JA Jiménez, JL De Justo, AA Serrano
Rueda. Madrid, 1981
Probabilistic method to select calculation accelerograms based on uniform seismic hazard acceleration response spectra
A Morales-Esteban, JL de Justo, F Martínez-Álvarez, JM Azañón
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 43, 174-185, 2012
Discussion: A note on the interpretation of Coulomb's analysis of the thrust on a rough retaining wall in terms of the limit theorems of plasticity theory
IF Collins
Geotechnique 24 (1), 106-108, 1974
Geotecnia y cimientos: Propiedades de los suelos y de las rocas
JAJ Salas, JL de Justo Alpañes
Rueda, 1975
The dry closure of the Almagrera tailings dam: detailed modelling, monitoring results and environmental aspects
JL Justo, A Morales-Esteban, E Justo, FA Jiménez-Cantizano, P Durand, ...
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 78, 3175-3189, 2019
Design parameters for special soil conditions
JL Justo, R Saetersdal
Proceedings of the European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation …, 1979
Propiedades de los suelos y de las rocas, vol. I de Geotecnia y cimientos
JA Jiménez Salas, JL de Justo Alpañes
Rueda, Madrid 2, 1975
Three‐dimensional joint elements applied to concrete‐faced dams
JL Justo, F Segovia, A Jaramillo
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 1995
Validation of models and empirical equations to estimate deformations in jointed rock through the monitoring of a 40-storey tower foundation
JL Justo, E Justo, P Durand, JM Azañón
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46 (2), 381-396, 2009
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