Eleni Vangeli
Eleni Vangeli
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, London South Bank University
在 lsbu.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Predictors of attempts to stop smoking and their success in adult general population samples: a systematic review
E Vangeli, J Stapleton, ES Smit, R Borland, R West
Addiction 106 (12), 2110-2121, 2011
'The smoking toolkit study': a national study of smoking and smoking cessation in England
JA Fidler, L Shahab, O West, MJ Jarvis, A McEwen, JA Stapleton, ...
BMC public health 11, 1-9, 2011
A systematic review of factors associated with non-adherence to treatment for immune-mediated inflammatory diseases
E Vangeli, S Bakhshi, A Baker, A Fisher, D Bucknor, U Mrowietz, ...
Advances in therapy 32, 983-1028, 2015
Transition towards a ‘non‐smoker’identity following smoking cessation: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
E Vangeli, R West
British Journal of Health Psychology 17 (1), 171-184, 2012
Sociodemographic differences in triggers to quit smoking: findings from a national survey
E Vangeli, R West
Tobacco control 17 (6), 410-415, 2008
Randomized trial of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion and NRT plus bupropion for smoking cessation: effectiveness in clinical practice
J Stapleton, R West, P Hajek, J Wheeler, E Vangeli, Z Abdi, C O'Gara, ...
Addiction 108 (12), 2193-2201, 2013
Structured smoking cessation training for health professionals on cardiology wards: a prospective study
T Raupach, J Falk, E Vangeli, S Schiekirka, C Rustler, MC Grassi, A Pipe, ...
European journal of preventive cardiology 21 (7), 915-922, 2014
The use of nicotine replacement therapy for smoking reduction and temporary abstinence: an interview study
E Beard, E Vangeli, S Michie, R West
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 14 (7), 849-856, 2012
Residual attraction to smoking and smoker identity following smoking cessation
E Vangeli, J Stapleton, R West
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 12 (8), 865-869, 2010
Identity processes in smokers who want to quit smoking: a longitudinal interpretative phenomenological analysis
E Meijer, E Vangeli, WA Gebhardt, C van Laar
Health 24 (5), 493-517, 2020
Smoking intentions and mood preceding lapse after completion of treatment to aid smoking cessation
E Vangeli, J Stapleton, R West
Patient education and counseling 81 (2), 267-271, 2010
Progression towards smoking cessation: Qualitative analysis of successful, unsuccessful, and never quitters
I Tombor, E Vangeli, R West, L Shahab
Journal of Substance use 23 (2), 214-222, 2018
A randomised trial of glucose tablets to aid smoking cessation
R West, S May, A McEwen, H McRobbie, P Hajek, E Vangeli
Psychopharmacology 207, 631-635, 2010
Evaluation of mental health first aid from the perspective of workplace end UseRs—EMPOWER: Protocol of cluster randomised trial phase
O Atanda, P Callaghan, T Carter, G Durcan, N O’Shea, SD Brown, ...
Trials 21, 1-9, 2020
Understanding smokers’ beliefs and feelings about smoking and quitting during a quit attempt: a preliminary evaluation of the SNAP model
WL Hum, A Bulgiba, L Shahab, E Vangeli, R West
Journal of Smoking Cessation 8 (1), 17-23, 2013
Smoking and smoking cessation in England: Findings from the Smoking Toolkit Study
R West, J Fidler, E Vangeli
Text messages to support e-cigarette use for smoking cessation: a tool for researchers
S Cox, F Naughton, C Kimber, V Sideropoulos, E Vangeli, C Notley, ...
Qeios, 2021
Dataset: co-development of mobile phone text messages to support smokers’ quitting by switching to an e-cigarette
V Sideropoulos, E Vangeli, F Naughton, S Cox, D Frings, C Notley, ...
London South Bank University, 2021
The social psychology of social prescribing: a toolkit
B Kellezi, D Frings, D Gray, M Bowe, JRH Wakefield, N McNamara, ...
NTU Social Identity Research Group, 2019
Quitting without reporting having tried: Findings from a national survey
J Brown, E Vangeli, JA Fidler, T Raupach, R West
Journal of Smoking Cessation 10 (2), 141-145, 2015
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