Dr. Ir.  Raden Achmad Harianto, MM
Dr. Ir. Raden Achmad Harianto, MM
Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
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Strategic Digitalization of UMKM Business as an Alternative to Survive the COVID -19 PandemicR
PN Harianto, Raden Achmad dan Sari
Linguistics and Culture Review 5 (51), 617 - 623, 2021
Analisis Capital Adequacy Ratio (Car) Dan Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Pada Pt Bank Syariah Xxx
A Fauzi, A Marundha, I Setyawan, F Syarief, RA Harianto, R Pramukty
JMBI UNSRAT (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Bisnis dan Inovasi Universitas Sam …, 2020
Employee mapping process as a solution for empowering human resources in companies
G Submitter, ZT Rony, M Yasin, TB Silitonga, F Syarief, RA Harianto
Journals and Rony, Zahara Tussoleha and Yasin, Mahmuddin and Silitonga …, 2021
Analysis Effect of Price, Service Quality and Marketing Relationship on Repurchasing Interest With Customer Satisfaction As Intervening Variable in Cv. Bekasi Unggas
A Kristianto, NN Sawitri, RA Harianto
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science 3 (3), 488-498, 2022
Penerapan Linear Programming dengan Metode Grafis pada Industri Tekstil
RA Harianto DR
Majulah TIFICO 1 (Edisi Khusus 1), 32, 2016
Product Innovation Based On Market-Orientation To Increase Environmental Sustainability
BS RA Harianto, ZT Rony, F Syarief, R Wijayaningsih
Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management 2 (9), 309 -- 318, 2021
Strategic digitalization of UMKM business as an alternative to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5 (S1), 617–623
RA Harianto, PN Sari
Analisis Capital Adequacy Ratio (Car) Dan Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Pada Pt Bank Syariah Xxx. JMBI UNSRAT (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Bisnis Dan Inovasi Universitas Sam …
A Fauzi, A Marundha, I Setyawan, F Syarief, RA Harianto, R Pramukty
The Study of Managerial Knowledge, Attitude, and Intention Toward Willingness to Payon Consumers Cosmetic Products
AF 1 Raden AchmadHarianto, 2 Zahara Tussoleha Rony, 3 Faroman Syarief
International Journal of Education Management and Sociology (IJEMSS) 2 (1 …, 2023
Optimization of woven fabric production in textile industry of pt. argo pantes tangerang
RA Harianto
International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Development 5 (4 …, 2018
Optimalisasi Produk Tenun Berbasis Linear Program Untuk Meningkatkan Laba Bisnis di Era Pandemic Covid -19
RA Harianto
Jurnal Universitas Widyagama Malang 1 (Vol 1 No.1 (2021)), 13, 2021
Bisnis Internasional Suatu Kajian Tentang: Transaksi Ekonomi Perdagangan Dan Investasi Asing
RA Harianto
Raden Achmad Harianto, 2021
Orientasi Pasar dalam Inovasi Produk dan Kinerja Bisnis Perbankan
DIRA Harianto
Moneter Jurnal : Akuntansi dan Keuangan 7 (2), 131 - 139, 2020
Simulasi Optimalisasi Produksi Kain Tenun dalam Meningkatkan Laba Bisnis di PT. Argo Pantes Tangerang
DRA Harianto
E- Journal Widya Ekonomika 1 (2), 2, 2019
Increasing the Productivity of Mendong Handycraft as a Part of the Creative Economy in the Globalization Era
R Wijayaningsih, RA Harianto
Jurnal Universitas Pasundan 6 (IFSAC 2018), 79, 2018
Bisnis International
RA Harianto DR
IN Patent 000,106,395, 2018
Sistim Penyajian Keuangan Pesantren Darul Hikmah, Banten
A Fauzi, A Marunda, F Syaref, RA Harianto.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Portofolio Prisani Cendekia Institute 1 (2), 72 - 79, 2022
Application of Grand Techno - Economic Strategy Based on Linear Programming in the Textile Industry
RAH dan Pratiwi Nila Sari
Linguistics and Culture Review 6 (May 2022), 1 - 6, 2022
Analysis Effect of Price, Service Quality and Marketing Relationship on Repurchasing Interest With Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Variable in CV. Bekasi Unggas
Ardy Kristianto, Ni Nyoman Sawitri, Raden A. Harianto
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (DIJMS) 3 (3), 11, 2022
Product Innovation Based On Market - Orientation To Increase Environmental Sustainability
BS Raden Achmad Harianto, Zahara Tussoleha Rony, Faroman Syarief, Rini ...
Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management 2 (9), 309 -- 318, 2022
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