Antonio Serrano Mislata
Antonio Serrano Mislata
Principal investigator at IBMCP (UPV-CSIC, Spain)
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Orchestration of floral initiation by APETALA1
K Kaufmann, F Wellmer, JM Muiño, T Ferrier, SE Wuest, V Kumar, ...
science 328 (5974), 85-89, 2010
Floral initiation and inflorescence architecture: a comparative view
R Benlloch, A Berbel, A Serrano-Mislata, F Madueño
Annals of botany 100 (3), 659-676, 2007
The shoot meristem identity gene TFL1 is involved in flower development and trafficking to the protein storage vacuole
EJ Sohn, M Rojas-Pierce, S Pan, C Carter, A Serrano-Mislata, F Madueño, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (47), 18801-18806, 2007
Transcription factor interplay between LEAFY and APETALA1/CAULIFLOWER during floral initiation
K Goslin, B Zheng, A Serrano-Mislata, L Rae, PT Ryan, K Kwaśniewska, ...
Plant physiology 174 (2), 1097-1109, 2017
DELLA genes restrict inflorescence meristem function independently of plant height
A Serrano-Mislata, S Bencivenga, M Bush, K Schiessl, S Boden, ...
Nature Plants 3 (9), 749-754, 2017
Control of oriented tissue growth through repression of organ boundary genes promotes stem morphogenesis
S Bencivenga, A Serrano-Mislata, M Bush, S Fox, R Sablowski
Developmental Cell 39 (2), 198-208, 2016
Active control of cell size generates spatial detail during plant organogenesis
A Serrano-Mislata, K Schiessl, R Sablowski
Current Biology 25 (22), 2991-2996, 2015
Separate elements of the TERMINAL FLOWER 1 cis-regulatory region integrate pathways to control flowering time and shoot meristem identity
A Serrano-Mislata, P Fernández-Nohales, MJ Doménech, Y Hanzawa, ...
Development 143 (18), 3315-3327, 2016
Cauliflower fractal forms arise from perturbations of floral gene networks
E Azpeitia, G Tichtinsky, M Le Masson, A Serrano-Mislata, J Lucas, ...
Science 373 (6551), 192-197, 2021
Regulation of DELLA proteins by post-translational modifications
N Blanco-Touriñán, A Serrano-Mislata, D Alabadí
Plant and Cell Physiology 61 (11), 1891-1901, 2020
Regulation of xylem fiber differentiation by gibberellins through DELLA-KNAT1 interaction
A Felipo-Benavent, C Úrbez, N Blanco-Touriñán, A Serrano-Mislata, ...
Development 145 (23), dev164962, 2018
Coordination between growth and stress responses by DELLA in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha
J Hernández-García, R Sun, A Serrano-Mislata, K Inoue, ...
Current Biology 31 (16), 3678-3686. e11, 2021
The pillars of land plants: new insights into stem development
A Serrano-Mislata, R Sablowski
Current opinion in plant biology 45, 11-17, 2018
Regulatory interplay between LEAFY, APETALA1/CAULIFLOWER and TERMINAL FLOWER1: New insights into an old relationship
A Serrano-Mislata, K Goslin, B Zheng, L Rae, F Wellmer, E Graciet, ...
Plant signaling & behavior 12 (10), e1370164, 2017
A genetic approach reveals different modes of action of prefoldins
N Blanco-Touriñán, D Esteve-Bruna, A Serrano-Mislata, ...
Plant physiology 187 (3), 1534-1550, 2021
GM foods in Spanish newspapers
D Ramón, E Dorcey, JV Gil, A Serrano
Trends in Biotechnology 20 (7), 285-286, 2002
DELLA proteins recruit the Mediator complex subunit MED15 to coactivate transcription in land plants
J Hernández-García, A Serrano-Mislata, M Lozano-Quiles, C Úrbez, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (19), e2319163121, 2024
Erratum to: A genetic approach reveals different modes of action of prefoldins
N Blanco-Touriñán, D Esteve-Bruna, A Serrano-Mislata, ...
Plant Physiology 187 (4), 2879, 2021
The making of cauliflowers: the story of unsuccessful flowers
E Azpeitia, G Tichtinsky, M Le Masson, A Serrano-Mislata, V Gregis, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.02. 12.427428, 2021
Transgenic plants with increased number of fruits and seeds and method for obtaining thereof
I Martínez Fernández, C Fourquin, A Serrano Mislata, V Balanza Pérez, ...
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