Olga Antczak-Orlewska
Olga Antczak-Orlewska
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The palaeoecological development of the Late Medieval moat-Multiproxy research at Rozprza, Central Poland
P Kittel, J Sikora, O Antczak, SJ Brooks, S Elias, M Krąpiec, TP Luoto, ...
Quaternary International 482, 131-156, 2018
Chironomidae Morphological Types and Functional Feeding Groups as a Habitat Complexity Vestige
SMKP Antczak-Orlewska O, Płóciennik M, Sobczyk R, Okupny D, Stachowicz-Rybka ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 2021
From oxbow to mire: Chironomidae and Cladocera as habitat palaeoindicators
M Płóciennik, D Pawłowski, L Vilizzi, O Antczak-Orlewska
Hydrobiologia 847 (15), 3257-3275, 2020
The environmental history of the oxbow in the Luciąża River valley–Study on the specific microclimate during Allerød and Younger Dryas in central Poland
O Antczak-Orlewska, D Okupny, D Pawłowski, B Kotrys, M Krąpiec, ...
Quaternary International 644, 178-195, 2023
The optimal time for sampling macroinvertebrates and its implications for diversity indexing in rheocrenes− case study from the Prokletije Mountains
V Berlajolli, M Płóciennik, O Antczak-Orlewska, V Pešić
Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 6, 2019
Climatic and hydrological variability as a driver of the Lake Gościąż biota during the Younger Dryas
M Płóciennik, I Zawiska, M Rzodkiewicz, AM Noryśkiewicz, M Słowiński, ...
Catena 212, 106049, 2022
Middle Holocene Climate Oscillations Recorded in the Western Dvina Lakeland
A Mroczkowska, D Pawłowski, E Gauthier, A Mazurkevich, TP Luoto, ...
Water 13 (11), 1611, 2021
New records of Chironomidae (Diptera) from the Republic of Moldova
O Antczak, M Płóciennik, T Rewicz, V Baranov, J Bilecka
Lauterbornia 81, 155-162, 2016
Changes in habitat conditions in a Late Glacial fluviogenic lake in response to climatic fluctuations (Warta River valley, central Poland)
J Forysiak, D Okupny, M Obremska, O Antczak-Orlewska, M Płóciennik, ...
Geological Quarterly 67 (1), 2023
The spatial and temporal reconstruction of a medieval moat ecosystem
O Antczak-Orlewska, D Okupny, A Kruk, RI Bailey, M Płóciennik, J Sikora, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 20679, 2022
Phenology of non-biting midges (Diptera Chironomidae) in peatland ponds, Central Poland
M Płóciennik, M Skonieczka, O Antczak, J Siciński
Entomologica Fennica 29 (2), 61-74, 2018
Phenology of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) in peatland ponds, Central Poland
M Plociennik, M Skonieczka, O Antczak, J Sicinski
Entomologica Fennica 29 (2), 61-74, 2018
Czerwona lista ważek (Odonata) województwa łódzkiego
G Tończyk, O Antczak, D Gusta
Ważki siedlisk wodno-błotnych Górnego Śląska, 2017
How well multi-indicator palaeo-environmental studies meet the needs of research on settlements, on the example of the early medieval settlement complex in Szczecin …
O Daniel, O Antczak-Orlewska, D Pawłowski, R Borówka, A Bartczak, ...
Acta Geographica Lodziensia, 2022
Subfossil Chironomidae and other palaeoecological proxies in the reconstruction of the Late Vistulian environmental history in central Poland: case study of oxbow fill in Lucia …
O Antczak-Orlewska, M Plociennik, D Okupny, D Pawlowski, ...
Limnology and Freshwater Biology, 440-441, 2020
Palaeoecological analysis of subfossil Chironomidae in the moat of late-medieval motte in Rozprza, Central Poland
O Antczak, P Kittel, SJ Brooks, TP Luoto, J Sikora, M Płóciennik
20th International Symposium on Chironomidae, Trento, Italy, 76, 2017
First record of Chironomus longistylus (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Poland
M Póciennik, O Antczak, S Boulaaba, M Skonieczka
Późnoholoceńska historia zmian warunków siedliskowych paleoałasu w północno-wschodniej Jakucji (Rosja) w świetle analiz paleoekologicznych
G Trębska, O Antczak-Orlewska, J Święta-Musznicka, E Janik, D Okupny, ...
Faculty of Biology, 2024
Wstępne wyniki rekonstrukcji holoceńskich zmian środowiskowych na nizinie jańsko-indygirskiej z wykorzystaniem szczątków Chironomidae
G Trębska, O Antczak-Orlewska, J Święta-Musznicka, E Janik, ...
Faculty of Biology, 2023
Potencjał indykacyjny szczątków wodnych bezkręgowców w osadach jeziornych i torfowiskowych
O Antczak-Orlewska, E Janik
Laboratory of Palaeoecology and Archaeobotany, 2023
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