Said Yunus
The role of social media technologies in teaching at the State University of Zanzibar
BK Daniel, M Ismail, U El-Nabahany, S Yunus, M Mwinyi, A Mohammed
International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments …, 2016
The contribution of LMS to the learning environment: views from the state University of Zanzibar
MS Mgeni, MJ Ismail, SA Yunus, HA Haji
e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries: 10th EAI …, 2019
Teachers’ Perception on Using Kio-Kit to Enhance Teaching and Learning STEM Subjects in Zanzibar
RI Ahmada, AA Abdulla, SAS Yunus, MJ Ismail
International Conference on Sustainable ICT, Education, and Learning, 135-144, 2019
Awareness of Open Education Resources (OER) in Higher Learning Institutions: Perspectives from Undergraduate Students from the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA)
MJ Ismail, MS Mgeni, SAS Yunus, AA Abdulla, RI Ahmada
International Conference on Sustainable ICT, Education, and Learning, 225-234, 2019
A transformation into digitally supported education: Case from the State University of Zanzibar
U El Nabahany, AM Mosbech, M Mgeni, S Yunus
Sustainable ICT, Education and Learning: IFIP WG 3.4 International …, 2019
Adoption of mobile application for enhancing learning in higher education: Students’ views from the State University of Zanzibar, Tanzania
MS Mgeni, HA Haji, SA Yunus, AA Abdulla
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 16 (2 …, 2024
Personalisation of Moodle Learning Management System for Effective Teaching and Learning in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case of the State University of Zanzibar
A Shaame, U El Nabahany, S Yunus, T Kondo, W Maro
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 15 (7 …, 2023
The Integration of Web 2.0 in Teaching-Learning in Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions: The Case of the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA)
SAS Yunus, AA Abdulla, RI Ahmada, U El-Nabhany, P Malliga
International Conference on Sustainable ICT, Education, and Learning, 177-184, 2019
Digitally Transformed Education: Are We There Yet?
D Passey, N Mavengere, A Kozhabek, C Reffay, WK Chai, N Jiang, ...
OCCE 2024–IFIP TC3 Open Conference on Computers in Education, 2024
Higher education students' early perceptions of ChatGPT: Global survey data
D Ravšelj, A Aristovnik, D Keržič, N Tomaževič, L Umek, N Brezovar, ...
Mendeley Data, 1-1, 2024
Post-pandemic expressions of (digital) ujamaa: the case of the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA)
MJ Ismail, SAS Yunus, M Gallagher
Building the Post-Pandemic University, 234-255, 2023
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